I am going to vent here. Recently I am meeting a bunch of people who are in lala land in my opinion. We went to a BBQ today and all the people could talk about was their lawns, trees, plants, renovations. The second question I was asked on entry into my hosts' home was where I lived and that was after the host announced that my DH was also a resident. I guess they had to make sure that we were from the "right side" of town or something. If the conversation wasn't about your home, it was about what you have planned for your child's future career.....granted all of the children in attendance were 3 or younger. People need to relax and enjoy life! I hate feeling that I have to pass a test to be accepted in a social setting. Where you live, how many degrees you have.....if it wasn't taboo I am sure people would ask you how much money you make, what stocks you have etc.
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Pretentious nonsense
I can relate. While my experience on my street has been really wonderful, our newest venture into elementary school has given me a rude awakening. There are clearly 'cliques' established and my eavesdropping into conversations I'm not included in tells me that many of those folks live in the same lala land as the ones you're meeting.
The best example I can give is that my subdivision has 2 sections: Dorset Village and Keninsington Village. K houses have a slightly more upscale interior as standard, and are a bit larger. When meeting folks at bunko or at the elementary - once the 'where do you live' question is answered w/my street name (in Dorset Village) the conversation almost always comes to an abrupt end.
Jesher, Johnson County is like that in almost the entire county - its a little out of hand IMO.
We haven't run into that here but I think it really because we don't have kids so at this point we really own socialize with other "lowly" residents.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Johnson County is truly a beast all it's own. It's pretty wild. I've never lived somewhere before where people speak of the county as a whole -- in Ohio it was always which suburb you were in. JoCo is like one, giant suburb.
Mission Hills is v. spiffy, older $ than most of JoCo. It's THE place to 'move up' to. (I think. Cheri, KCWife and SueC can elaborate more).
I've said many times before that I've been so pleasantly surprised by the people I've met here / friends I've made. Now I'm thinking that I really lucked onto a great street w/good people. I'm sure I'll eventually click w/other school moms (fingers crossed), or at least they'll be nicer to me when they realize that 2 of the PTO board members are my neighbors :>:thud: .
When they talk about JoCo they usually speak of north of I-435 and south of I-435. South (and west) is where all the new, big, expensive developments are going up. When I graduated from KU in '98 you couldn't get cable farther south than 175th street but now I have friends that live that south and farter, the county never ends.
Mission Hills is the older, more expensive homes - while all the new BIG homes are either on one of the golf courses (Falcon Ridge) or south of 135th St.
It really is a strange place, but at the same time its a great community for the most part. If my IL's didn't live there and the KU neurosurgery program was better we'd definitely consider it.Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Originally posted by pstoneThey would simply not want our two beater cars on their street.One weekend I drove up to DH's parents and DH and I left from there on a trip - we had to leave my IL's the keys so that they could move the car every other day because the homeowners association would have had it towed otherwise - I'm telling you, you won't understand it until you've lived through it.
Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.
Those are excellent.Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.
“That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
― Lev Grossman, The Magician King