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Bee Sting Relief

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  • Bee Sting Relief

    I got stung by a bee right on the ankle last night. I must be semi-allergic to them, because my entire ankle is swelled and excrutiatingly itchy. All DH said was to take Benedryl and keep a cold compress on it, neither of which have done much good.

    Any of you moms (or non-moms) have any home remedies that you swear by?

  • #2
    Did you get the stinger out? I usually make a paste of baking soda and water but that works best if used right away.

    I think there is a Benedryl cream, that might help. Keep up with the ice and don't scratch! If it seems really allergic, call your doctor.


    • #3
      It's especially bad because it is your foot. Feet can't take trauma, according to my dh. I had a horrible reaction to some fire ant bites on my foot earlier this summer. I was very swollen, like you, except my swelling was in my midfoot and toes. The only thing that finally got rid of the swelling was that I had to stay in bed for more than a day with my foot elevated with ice packs on it, Benedryl cream, and oral Benedryl as well. It makes it very hard when you have kids to take care of!
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        Tea bags! I'm allergic to bees and *knock on wood* haven't been stung since I was about 5, but when that happened, they put a bunch of wet tea bags (like Lipton) on my hand. I still have a scar...


        • #5
          Thanks for the advice. I just thought I'd let you know something I found really worked. I filled a small cooler with water, threw in a couple of ice cubes and just soaked my foot/ankle in there. The whole while it was submersed in the water it was itch-free. Then after I took it out I just elevated it to let the swelling down. At night I kept the cooler by my bed so I could just lean over and stick my foot in for a couple of seconds. This was much better than having to run in to the kitchen to swap cold washcloths and ice. I tried that the first night and I woke up every hour!

