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Living in harmony

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  • Living in harmony

    I'd be so flipped out. I'm a city girl at heart. When we moved here, we saw a big woodchuck climbing out of a hole on our patio. DH and I were cowering in the house. I shudder to think what I'd do if I saw a bobcat. That said, having grown up in FL, spiders, lizards and bugs don't freak me out at all.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

  • #2


    Bobcat? Ummmmm....holy cow!

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      when i was a wee one, maybe about 10....we lived in the country in vermont. all of vermont is country. anyhow...all we had were the window fans in our very old house for the summer heat. every morning my mom would wake up and ask my older brother and i if we heard the bob cat???? no, what bob cat??? over the weeks my brother finally heard it. he said how it sounded like a woman screaming bloody she was being beat or something.

      finally one night i heard it and totally FREAKED out. i ended up sleeping in my brothers bed with him. it is a noise i will never ever forget. very erie. :!
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        holy cow - bobcat! my friend in AK regularly has moose in her front yard. but no bobcats or rattlesnakes. what can you do about the rattlesnakes?


        • #5
          Dare I ask what orbital spiders are??

          I am a total arachnophobe and become paralyzed when I see a spider. We have Carolina Wolf Spiders here. DH knocked one off of the wall (outside, thank goodness) and the spider was so big & heavy that when it hit the ground it made a thud loud enough for me to hear from about 20 ft away.


          • #6
            Spiders, mice, and most bugs don't bother me too much.

            Rats, snakes....those bother me. Yikes, Tara. I think I would like to see the bobcat but somewhere other than my front yard. My mom got followed by a mountain lion coming off a trail at dusk. She was wondering what kind of animal made such a loud purring sound and later found it what it likely was. Purring as in, mmmm....tasty snack on the trail?

            You and pinkpickles better keep an eye out for the Arizona Tourism Board, if you know what I mean.


            • #7
              can you put the bobcat to work dealing with the rattlesnakes?

              yeah - i'd be moving.

