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Dog Training

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  • Dog Training

    Paris (and I?) had the first day of Dog Training yesterday at Petsmart. She did pretty well - I was so proud!

    The only downside to my class is the 70 year old woman with a terrior. She kept glaring at me because my dog was a little more... energetic. Everytime my dog went remotely near her she would glare at me, scoot her chair over, and make a snide comment like "These classes are just as much to train the owner, you know?" to me!

    I wish I had taught Paris the "attack" command... :>

  • #2
    oh tell her to stick it...terriers are little "rat dogs" and dont hold a candle to your Paris.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


    • #3
      sounds like a lovely woman. next time she makes a comment like that, say "Yes. I can't wait 'til we learn the command to SHUT UP." :!


      • #4
        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


        • #5
          Originally posted by jesher
          sounds like a lovely woman. next time she makes a comment like that, say "Yes. I can't wait 'til we learn the command to SHUT UP." :!

          I might have to use that!!!! :>


          • #6
            She is correct the training is for you as well (if not more) but come on, its a class - my Molly NEVER settles down around other dogs, that is just the way it is - she has successfully graduated from 2 obedience classes and 1 agility class - so tell that lady to go take a flying leap!
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

