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Best inexpensive gift you ever gave?

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  • Best inexpensive gift you ever gave?

    What is the best gift you ever gave your SO that was inexpensive and very appreciated?

    I'm idea hunting, but I'll go first in one gift that I am not about to repeat. I gave him a homemade packet of gift certificates one year that included 2 30 minute massages, a "get out of fight free" card, an "I am right and you are wrong so apologize now" card and a baby card. He did use them all.

    What were your best?

  • #2
    What??? No cheap ideas??

    We have also just circled pictures in catalogs and written "If I could I would buy you this" and left them under the tree.


    • #3
      back rubs, dinner with wine, coupons, crafts that the kids make, sex, sex, and with a new piece of lingere sex. it's free, right??
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        I can always count on you!

        You're right though...for the dude. That's probably all he really wants anyways. So I guess the gift is having mil back in town to watch the kids.


        • #5
          i've given him 2 children and am cooking up a 3rd. as far as material gifts - he kind of has expensive taste -- so I don't usually try the 'creative cheap' thing for him.

          For gifts to others - the best gift I've ever received is a hand-written cookbook from my cousin. I made the same for a couple friends (and FINALLY put it all on the computer so I can stop writing things out).


          • #6
            Try a couple of movie vouchers (can be video rentals if you are really low on cash), a big bag of popcorn, jaffas, lollies/candy and a huge bottle of fizzy/pop.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mom2three
              sex. it's free, right??
              I always charge :> haha...just kidding.

              I made a little 4x6 size cross-stitch "I love you" thingy of precious moments and framed it for our second wedding anniversary...It only cost a couple of dollars to buy and a couple of weeks to make We still have it up in the house.

              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #8
                I made him a fleece "on call" blanket in 2nd year (hospital blankets are pretty gross) so that when he actually got sleep he could snuggle up and think of me ( or so I liked to think, he was probably asleep before he ever even covered up) now we basically just use it as a picnic blanket.....


                • #9
                  I took belly dancing classes...and surprised him with a dance.
                  Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                  Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                  • #10
                    Let's see... Cheap gifts? What's the occasion? Birthday?

                    I have done the following for SO at various times:

                    Free: Sex (duh)

                    $40: Scrapbook of coupons and whatnot - I made the actual book itself as well and tied it all up in a huge ribbon. It's beautiful but it took forever. He keeps it up on his bookcase to show it off!

                    $25: Had a book made online with pictures from our Europe trip all accompanied by cute memories that we shared along the way. That is also displayed and shown off. Looks like this:

                    $.50: Old medical books that I found at a booksale that are apparently worth a lot of money...

                    $15: Cooked him a nice dinner with candles and linens and set up the table in the bedroom with soft music and we got really dressed up just for each other. It was awesome and he was so surprised!

                    $10: Painted him a picture of the surpentine walls at UVA and had it framed. He loves it.

                    There have been so many things.... I'll keep thinking. If you have any questions about any of that stuff (like where to get it, etc.) just let me know!


                    • #11
                      When we were dating and he was leaving for 9 months of rotations away, I got him a shoe box and filled it with rolls of quarters (laundry/tolls, etc), a couple packs of gum, a map of the US, Pre-stamped, pre-addressed post cards, the Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy on tape (DVD, really) and finally because I crack myself up- a tube of "Astroglide" for his intimate moments alone...



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jloreine
                        - a tube of "Astroglide" for his intimate moments alone...
                        ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by mom2three
                          Originally posted by jloreine
                          - a tube of "Astroglide" for his intimate moments alone...
                          That's no laughing matter! Remember,


                          • #14
                            Before we were married I found a credit card sized copy of an Emily Dickens poem @ the Hallmark store. One the back of it I wrote a sweet & simple note. I wrapped it up & gave it to him...he placed it in his wallet w/ my photo & carries it around to this day. Whenever a nurse or someone asks to see my pic he always sees it when he pulls my photo out.

                            I also sent flowers to the cath lab once blew him away...they weren't that cheap but he has always remebered that, because let's face it how often does a guy get flowers??!!

                            Another idea that a friend of mine did was to schedule an appt during his office or clinic hours and surprise him w/ cup of coffe or a treat!


                            • #15
                              I thought of another one...
                              Bamboo. I love bamboo and all it stands for and so does he. I wanted to get him flowers but he always says "that's not his thing" so I figured a PLANT is a little different. He named it, he waters it, he loves it, and it has grown so much! It's so special for me to see it in his apartment and know that every day he takes care of it, he thinks of me. And it's adaptable, easy to care for, lasts forever, and is transportable to an office, etc. down the road.

