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What I love about winter....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by sp2809
    Winter is my favourite season, I don't like the summer because I am very, very pale and just get burned
    ME TOO!!! I am the whitest, white girl on the planet. I'll fit in well in LA eh?

    Winter is my favorite season:

    Crisp, clean fresh air after a good snow
    Snow flakes on the tree limbs
    Hot cocoa next to the fireplace
    ah...I want to go to Tahoe this year!!!!


    • #17
      I am the whitest, white girl on the planet.
      Me too, I'm in the so pale you can trace my viens up my arm club. Made studying easy for DF!

      SO sleeps much closer to me....he says I'm like a furnacee when I'm off to sleep
      Ha, I thought that was only me!

      Things I love about Winter (As a New Englander I LOVE Winter!):

      1. Hot Apple Cider
      2. Warm snuggly fleece blankets
      3. Cute matching Hat and Scarf sets
      4. Mittens, I love mittens!
      5. Christmas Dinner
      6. Campfires!
      7. Ice Skating
      8. and I saved the best for last... SNOW DAYS! I love DC cause they panic and cancel school at the threat of snow! Then I get to stay in my snuggly warm bed!


      • #18
        Originally posted by MrsB_2B
        Sp2809, we do exactly the same thing, everyone home from college or abroad meet up in this really run down pub that we never ever go to any other day of the year on st stephens night....
        It'll be the first christmas SO and I spend together too and it'll just be the 3 of us in Boston, I can't wait!! there's usually 50 relatives and their dogs here at home!
        Funny how so many Irish traditions involve a pub!

        Unfortunately, DH is working this Christmas so we'll be eating turkey in the call room (if he has time).
        Student and Mom to an Oct 2013 boy
        Wife to Anesthesia Critical Care attending


        • #19
          But you can't say that we don't know how to have a good funeral, either. (I'm about 50% Irish and 50% German- depends on the event as to which side I lay claim to! I look Irish though and the Gallasher side has funerals that are more fun than some people's weddings.)



          • #20
            I love winter, as long as it doesn't last *too* long.

            *hot chocolate with a blob of whipped cream on top
            *sitting on the couch while watching the snow come down
            *my winter clothes
            *how beautiful it is after a fresh snowfall
            *pine candles(thanks for the reminder, Annie!)
            *the holidays and all the decorations
            *winter food
            and this year I can play outside with my son!!

            I also have plenty that I hate, but I'll save the bitching for February.


            • #21
              i'm not a huge fan. i much prefer spring and fall.

              what i like:

              layers (everyone looks a little lumpy and I can blend in)
              snow on Christmas Eve (it can / should go away on the 26th)


              • #22
                Since we don't get much of a winter here, and very little snow (if any)...

                I love...

                Apple Cider
                the smell of Christmas trees
                Christmas Eve Service

                Although I really hate the fact that they are already putting Christmas stuff up in the stores already!


                • #23
                  Baking and cashmere. Two things I have to add to my list!


                  • #24
                    The first month. You can keep the other five.


                    • #25
                      I hate winter! That's why dh's job prospects contain a line over much of the country that I will not cross again.

                      It was mid-80's here yesterday and gorgeous. I do not miss winter one teeny tiny bit!
                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by heidi
                        I hate winter! That's why dh's job prospects contain a line over much of the country that I will not cross again.

                        It was mid-80's here yesterday and gorgeous. I do not miss winter one teeny tiny bit!
                        And it's beautiful again today!! 8)

                        I don't want winter. It's so depressing.

                        SO wants to go to Boston or NYC for residency and I just don't know if I can hang with the New England winter-loving sledding types. I'd rather be at the beach.


                        • #27
                          At least the weather is still warm in new england at the moment. Here is miserable, its raining, and drizzly, its windy and colded, grey skies and I expect it'll be like this now for the most of winter


                          • #28
                            I do not care much for winter. I adjusted quite well when we lived in San Antonio, even though before then, I had never lived outside of Indiana. If I have any influence at all on DH, we will have a snowbird-type existence when he retires.

                            I do have to say that I enjoy hot chocolate with marshmallows.

                            And it is nice to use the crock-pot......I can't make myself use it when it is warm out.

                            That's really about it.

                            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by spotty_dog
                              A bottle of wine and a melty wedge of baked Brie in front of the fireplace. Bliss.
                              Apparently, I've been doing winter allllll wrong.

                              The sense of change and renewal that howls with the winter wind; the crisp smell of the stiff breeze that whips your hair around and rosies your cheeks...
                              The occasional snow that makes the world pristine. Looking out on the frost and white powder and knowing you don't have to go anywhere today.
                              You obviously love winter. It sounds nice when you say it, but usually I just end up like .

                              Well, happy winter to you anyway! Unless I'm wearing my skis, I'm hoping for July every time it snows!


                              • #30
                                I'm a Winter lover!!!!

                                1. Snow...Snow...Snow :{
                                2. Building snowmen
                                3. Snuggling up next to the fireplace with DH. Although, this was before he started down the medical path. Now I'll probably just snuggle up with my cats.
                                4. Day after Thanksgiving shopping. I don't usually like crowds, or shopping for that matter, but something about standing outside in the dark cool morning waiting for the bargains just thrills me. And DH enjoys it too!
                                5. The serenity of the night right after the snow has stopped. The way the sky illuminates from lights reflecting off the freshly fallen snow.

                                Eeeee! I'm getting so excited just writing about it

