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Like, sorority! Yay!

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  • Like, sorority! Yay!

    Ok, I was in a sorority in college. I have a love/hate relationship with it. I made my best friends there and I'm glad I did it because it added a lot to my college "experience" but I hated the drama and the cattiness that came with, well, girls.

    Were you all in sororities in college? Do you go back for alumni events? Do you still talk about it?

    I ask because Work Girl went back for her sorority's rush event and hasn't stopped talking about it this week. If I hear one more story start with "My grandlittle was pissed because they cut the slut who made out with a guy at a frat party and ....." I'm going to die.

    Hoping not to offend (especially if you are still in college.) It's just wierd. I'm not used to it.

  • #2
    Sorry to ask this but I've always wondered....What is a soroity? is it like a society or club? and what is a rush party? SO got a letter in his post box during the week saying to expect loud noise because there would be a rush party next door.....I've no clue what this is but I did see flags and i could smell a BBQ, yummy!


    • #3
      No, I wasn't in a sorority in college. My college was small and only had 3 options, none of them too appealing. I also didn't like the idea of having to be friendly towards people I disliked simply because they were "sisters".
      IM PGY-2


      • #4
        Nope, me neither. I lived in a house that was very similar but it was not a sorority - my undergrad had a lot of sororities but if you weren't in the "right" one it wasn't worth it - sometimes I wish I had because I feel like I would have made better friends but more than likely I never would have met DH.
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #5
          Nope, I was rushed (which means that they want you to join their group. There are "Rush Parties" etc, which are basically parties for the members to meet potential members) but none of them wanted my friend who was 'different'. I distinctly remember asking one of the girls why Carin wasn't invited and her giving me a look like I was nuts. That did it for me.

          and it was a college of 1200 people- we didn't need to segregate ourselves any further.



          • #6
            Yes, and it was a good experience for me. I left a small town and went to a huge state university, so it was a great way to get plugged in to campus activities right off the bat. I also lived in the house for 3 years. Cheap, and so much nicer than the dorms!
            Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


            • #7
              I tried it for one year -- did the whole rush thing (inner cringe).

              It wasn't "me."


              Too many rules
              you couldn't date people older girls had already dated
              too many rules
              how my butt looks in jeans is not my #1 concern

              um yeah, it wasn't me. there were lots of great people I met -- but the sterotypical "sorority girl" made me want to laugh outloud. I didn't realize there really were people like that.

              I "left" the sorority and didn't look back.

              Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

              “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


              • #8
                I enjoyed being Greek but understand (and cringe) at the often well-deserved stereotypes. I have several life long friends from this organization.

                I went to a large State school and joining a sorority helped to make the college community smaller. Overall, it was a good experience. I would cautiously endorse someone joining the RIGHT organization FOR THEM.
                However, I did engage in some downright silly stuff too that I still cringe over when I think about the potential photos that may exist. Is this the point where I mention that we had a day at the races where we actually all wore straw hats?

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  Did anyone actually describe sororities for Jane (Mrs. B2B)? Jenn touched on Rush - but I didn't see anything about sororities in general.

                  I am not a fan ... so am not the person for an 'unbiased' explanation. :!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
                    I enjoyed being Greek but understand (and cringe) at the often well-deserved stereotypes. I have several life long friends from this organization.

                    I went to a large State school and joining a sorority helped to make the college community smaller. Overall, it was a good experience. I would cautiously endorse someone joining the RIGHT organization FOR THEM.
                    However, I did engage in some downright silly stuff too that I still cringe over when I think about the potential photos that may exist. Is this the point where I mention that we had a day at the races where we actually all wore straw hats?

                    I still go to the races in a straw hat. But that was the entire school's tradition. I mean, we dresses up for football games, so...
                    Besides, my straw hat-ness is nothing compared to the pictures of me dressed up as a bunny while at a bar or dancing in skits, etc. Good times, lots of embarrassment, lots of booze, boys, and all that.

                    And I enjoyed being Greek too. Overall. My best friends are from my sorority. HOWEVER, I'm just saying that I'm not going to go apeshit for days if I find out that my chapter rushed a girl that wasn't that pretty or .. whatever. I mean, the overall thoughtfulness is great, but I'm talking about full on chaos on the phone over there. Maybe I'm just not able to "live the moment" anymore, but if you had heard the conversation, it was very juvenile even for a college sorority girl.


                    • #11
                      needless to say, I wasn't in a sorority (but I wasn't in a fraternity either)

                      I was on the rowing team, which basically was a fraternity only our primary concern was going fast.

                      I mean, it served all the same social functions as a fraternity - close group of friends you saw every day, etc. We only had two parties a year though (winter and spring were dry for us)
                      - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by jesher
                        Did anyone actually describe sororities for Jane (Mrs. B2B)? Jenn touched on Rush - but I didn't see anything about sororities in general.

                        I am not a fan ... so am not the person for an 'unbiased' explanation. :!

                        No but I think i'm getting the gist. I went to university in London and we had societies and the sports teams which I think are simular (but please correct me) I was on the hockey team and played on wednesdays (the same as the rugby team ) and all the teams would end up in th college bar until the early hours playing drinking games, the best of the girls ockey and the rugby tam made up the mixed hockey team for sunday matches and the drinking process was repeated :~ and in first year you had to be initiated where the seniors made up games and dares for you to do. The mens rugby first years had to run naked through the woods, cut down a christmas tree and make it back, tie it to lampost in the middle of the drive in front of the main house (it was a mansion that was a listed building on campus) great craic altogether

                        I was also a member of the snowboarding society but considering there is NO SNOW it was fairly inactive!! and I've never been on a snowboard, or skis for that matter


                        • #13
                          the main difference between a sports team like that (which sounds very similar to my experience rowing) and fraternities/sororities is that fraternities/sororoties are almost entirely social organizations (although all have some element of social service, such a volunteering and such and some others are academically geared toward a given major or field of study)

                          Mostly they are viewed as "party clubs" although this reputation is probably not deserved by all such organizations (I think we can all agree that it is deserved by some of them, however)
                          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                          • #14
                            No sorority here. I already had three sisters (and a half-sister, too) and didn't feel the need for any more! Also, I am not big on the whole group-mentality thing.....I tend to rebel, just on principle.

                            I had/have good friends that were in sororities, but it was NOT for me.

                            Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                            "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                            • #15
                              I suppose I must add in that my parents, uncles, and my brother were all Greek. but they all went to big state schools, too.


