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Does anyone else's SO...

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  • Does anyone else's SO...

    talk of nothing else but medicine?? Mine is just finishing up his internal medicine rotation and it seems like whenever he is home (which isn't often) he is talking about what happened at the hospital. I'll try to talk to him about something else (like our upcoming wedding) and he'll stare at me with a blank expression on his face and then start talking about the hospital again!! We're going away on a little mini vacation this weekend. Is it unreasonable to ask that we cut down on the medicine talk and just try and be a couple (not a med student and his fiance)?? I realize this is all just new and exciting to him and I'm happy that he's so happy but I need a break.....

    Just had a thought....I wonder if I do the same thing only in my case all I talk about is our wedding !!!!!

  • #2
    My fiance will sometimes start describing all the exciting things he learned about in class or the most interesting patient he saw in the hospital. I try to listen as best as I can because I feel guilty for monopolizing our conversations most of the time. So it's not that he doesn't talk about medicine as much as your SO, but I somehow can't keep my own mouth shut. Or should I say, I type faster than he does. :>
    IM PGY-2


    • #3
      No, mine would prefer to talk about just about anything else when he gets home. Actually, he would prefer to not talk at all when he gets home.



      • #4
        Originally posted by jloreine
        No, mine would prefer to talk about just about anything else when he gets home. Actually, he would prefer to not talk at all when he gets home.

        Here too. He refuses to watch Gray's Anatomy with me bc he can't stand being reminded of the hospital.


        • #5
          Mine loves House and Grey's. He's also an M1. I'm sure it will change.


          • #6
            Us too. I usually go on and on about my day and dh loves to hear about my students and not have to say anything. Dh doesn't talk shop at home, and that's maybe why the shock of meeting other residents is so great for me - he's the worst at including me into conversations with colleagues.

            Even when we were dating, we had so many other things to talk about.

            We don't watch Grey's Anatomy here either. When I see dh in scrubs, I already get palpitations.
            married to an anesthesia attending


            • #7
              We watch House and Grey's. I watch them for the entertainment value. Dh points out all their inaccuracies, and I get mad.

              "I'm not going to watch this with you anymore if you don't knock it off!"

              "But, they..."

              "It's a TV show!"


              "Zip it!"
              Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


              • #8
                To the OP -- the excitement will probably wear off in a little bit. But beware of going out with his classmates, especially right now at the beginning of MS3. You'll never escape it then.

                re: Grey's Anatomy. I was going to say I've never watched the show. I should say that I have never watched more than about 3 minutes of the show. When it has been on, DH has been around and said "Awww, come ON!" about 10 times in those first 3 minutes. Kind of puts a damper on things.


                • #9
                  DH doesn't talk about work much, I usually ask him about his cases - he tells me about them and then we move on.

                  We watch Grey's & House! 8)
                  Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by heidi
                    We watch House and Grey's. I watch them for the entertainment value. Dh points out all their inaccuracies, and I get mad.

                    "I'm not going to watch this with you anymore if you don't knock it off!"

                    "But, they..."

                    "It's a TV show!"


                    "Zip it!"
                    DH is the same - can't stand to watch that show b/c of all the inaccuracies. We love House and Scrubs though...

