Is it big news in the States at the moment? It seems that every few days I watch the news, there seems to be another school shooting. I can't begin to imagine what the parents and other students must be suffering.
As a (previous) high school teacher and now mother, I can hardly bear to hear about it. I thank god it hasn't happened here...yet.
Why do you think it happens, and relatively frequently at that? I am so glad that guns are relatively difficult to obtain here. DH sometimes works on stabbing trauma, but I don't know if he has ever seen the victim of a shooting.
As a parent, does it weigh heavily on your mind when sending your own little ones off to school?
As a (previous) high school teacher and now mother, I can hardly bear to hear about it. I thank god it hasn't happened here...yet.
Why do you think it happens, and relatively frequently at that? I am so glad that guns are relatively difficult to obtain here. DH sometimes works on stabbing trauma, but I don't know if he has ever seen the victim of a shooting.
As a parent, does it weigh heavily on your mind when sending your own little ones off to school?