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Dinner routines

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  • Dinner routines

    Are we talking ideally or realistically?

    This is all going to go down the tubes after the baby, at least for a few months. We try to eat at 6:30-6:45. The kids eat a big snack around 3:30 to help them get there. If DH is here by then, then we all eat together. He usually comes through the door sort of Kramer-style and sits down to eat right when he gets home. It's a little nutty and chaotic but we get some good info out of the kids at dinner so worth it. Bryn sets the table and that kind of helps (if I don't have to nag too much). I *try* to have homework, music, etc going either before I start making dinner or while I'm making it. Again, it's not always pretty. Sometimes the trade-off is letting them watch TV or a movie. Bedtime routine starts immediately after dinner and DH does the dishes after the kids are in bed.

    I think it does get easier as your kids are older and I think it's been easier over the last 6 months or so because DH comes home more at a more reliable time, the kids aren't as tired, etc.

    Keep the dream alive!

  • #2
    We're new at the parenthood thing, but we very rarely eat dinner together anymore. For my own sanity and planning purposes, dinner in our home is at 6pm. DH gets home anywhere from 6:00 to 8:00. If DH is home, obviously he eats with us; if not, Jack and I eat together and I put together a plate for DH to heat up when he gets home. Lately, Jack and I have been eating alone pretty much all the time on weeknights. It sucks. I'd eventually like to eat dinner together every night like we did with my parents when I was a kid, but I'm guessing that won't happen consistently as long as we have small children and are in residency.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      We don't have kids yet, so there's no need to have dinner at any particular time. Unless one of us is running extremely late, we usually wait to have dinner until we're both home. Anywhere between 6pm and 10pm.


      • #4
        We did OK for about a year. Residency and fellowship were a wash - then we settled down here and had one year of dinner together most every night before the kids got involved in sports and activities. Now, between DHs "bad" nights (absolutely 1-2 week), soccer/basketball (2 times a week 5:30-7:30), and horseback riding (also 5:30-8 PM ) I've totally given up. We are back to doing one or two family dinners a week and hitting leftovers or Subway the other nights.

        No help here. Don't stress. The non-medical families aren't eating together much either, these days.
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #5
          After reading Angie's post -- it does get easier as they get older until the activities get started so late. I think that will change for us in the next two years or so.


          • #6
            If I've cooked a real meal, the boys and I usually sit down to eat around 6:30. DH doesn't usually arrive until 7 or later. I just grew sick of waiting for him and trying to adapt to his schedule.

            My cousin's husband grew up in a family where they ALWAYS waited for Dad to arrive before dinner (he's an academic pediatrician). All four children grew up basically speed-eating b/c they were so stinkin' hungry, and have atrocious table manners as adults (IMO).

            I don't look for this to improve anytime soon.


            • #7
              We try to eat together as a family. This is entirely based on a number of factors:

              1) Have I had my sh*t together enough to go to the store, figure out a meal, thaw or other wise prepare ingredients, etc.

              2) Did Nikolai eat lunch at school. If he did, then a light snack will hold him. If he didn't, then he'll eat early (5ish) because he becomes most unpleasant when hungry. (as do I)

              3) Where is my husband and what was he doing? Army hospital? AF hospital? On service or not? Clinic day? Which clinic (yes, he does botox...but only for kids w/ CP, sadly. otherwise, I'd be wrinkle-free).

              4) Am I going to yoga? Did I make the boys something or not?

              Definitely we eat together most meals on the weekends. Breakfast is too funny to miss. (See the photo under the cute kid sections for proof)



              • #8
                Where are the pictures of the cute kids? (from Jenn's response) I'd like to see them.



                • #9
                  Dh missed dinner and I'm not about to make him anything - he didn't call me at all today even though he knows that there was something worth calling for a relief person in order to call me to find out my news... I'm pissed and let down.

                  I paged him 3 times. #1: to tell him my news and to ask if it's a busy day #2: around dinnertime to ask if he would be outta there within 30 minutes in order to cook for the two of us, and #3 to let him know I was going to dinner with friends unless he was actually on his way out the door. Nothing. I went to dinner with friends and when he gets back he can make himself something.

                  I'm PISSED. Did I already say that?
                  married to an anesthesia attending


                  • #10
                    what's your news Alison??


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Entropy
                      Where are the pictures of the cute kids? (from Jenn's response) I'd like to see them.

                      They're in the call room. We tend to only post photos in the "private" areas. Usually around 50 posts you can PM one of the admins to get access to the private forums -- just our little way of keeping things a bit more secure.


                      • #12
                        Ah, thank you.



                        • #13
                          It's just research grant related, nothing exciting. I've been waiting for a prof. to sign off on something and it finally happened today. I had been waiting awhile and wasn't sure if she would give me the green light on something. I'm relieved, but was sort of miffed that dh was nervous for me this past week and then ... disappeared today when things actually happened...

                          Nothing juicy, like I'm pregnant or something. :>
                          married to an anesthesia attending


                          • #14
                            I feed the kid at 5:30-5:45....and then wait til she gets home to eat some other crap that I throw together....this is out current routine...

                            Or if I actually make something....I give the kid a cracker ever 15 minutes until she is home...starting at 4:30....


                            • #15
                     kids here, just cats.

                              DH is a 4th year med student and I work nights. We almost always eat dinner together around 5:45 pm, so I can finish getting ready for work. If I'm not working, we eat much later. Now eating together is not really eating around the dinner table. It's more like eating on the couch watching tv...(must break that habit!)

