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  • #16
    Got myself and three boys up, dressed, fed, and out the door at 7 this morning. Started a load of towels before I left, too. Took boys to school and dropped them off at early care. Drove to my work and arrived at 7:35. Logged on to my computer and emailed a colleague at another school with a question about an upcoming choral festival. Typed out a worksheet for my students (a self-review of their concert). Ran downstairs for a faculty meeting at 8. Before the meeting, I cornered one of the secretaries to ask how I get a check drawn on my choir account to pay for the entry fee for the above-mentioned choral festival. Cornered our media specialist to let her know that my computer's dvd player is not working, and I need it to work because the recording of last week's concert is on dvd and I want the kids to be able to watch it. She says she'll come up to my room later. Sat through the faculty meeting, which was mostly a recap of student-led conferences, which were last week. All discussion was totally irrelevant to me because I don't have a homeroom and thus had no conference responsibilities. Meeting lasted until 8:25. Ran upstairs to greet my boys' choir. Got them started on their worksheets while the media specialist worked on (and fixed!) my dvd player. Worked on the online entry form for the choral festival while my boys watched the concert and worked on their self-review. Announced to the boys who had been chosen from their class for the festival. Gave each of those boys a form to be filled out by their parents and returned. Basically the same thing happened in my next two classes. I left school at 11:15 and headed to the post office to mail my niece's bday present (her bday is *today* ) and then headed back to the boys' school to pick up DS #3. He was just finishing lunch, so I got him packed up and we went to the grocery store. I drove through McD's after grocery shopping (about 1:00 by now) and although I was starving, I practiced some restraint and got a hamburger Happy Meal and a Coke. I gave DS#3 the fries and the kiddie drink, and I ate the burger and drank my Coke on the way home. Got home, put away groceries, and put the load of towels in the dryer. Tried to get DS #3 interested in playing in his dice. Checked in here, then worked for about an hour on a paper for a grad course. Left to go back to the boys' school to run the gifted program. DS#3 was excited because he was getting to go, too, even though he isn't in 1st grade (the cut off). Our theme this month has been building and construction, so I supervised a classroom of 30 kids, grades 1-8, who were working with legos, coin-struction kits, and marble towers. That was over at 4:00, and after making sure the last kid was picked up or in extended care, the boys and I left for home at about 4:15. I could tell that DS #2 was feeling down. He has a tooth abscess, and will be getting his tooth pulled tomorrow after a month-long saga and two rounds of antibiotics......all of it stemming from a filling in a baby tooth! He has been worrying about getting the tooth pulled, and he also had a substitute today that he didn't like, AND he had some math that he didn't understand. I held him on my lap and we talked it out......but I could only give him about 20 minutes before I had to get everyone back in the car to take DS#1 to bball practice......he should have just brought his stuff with him this morning, but we all forgot, so back in the car we go. DS#1 was excited because it was the first practice of the season. On the way, I paged DH, who I hadn't spoken to all day, to see if he thought he would be able to pick up DS#1 after practice at 6:30. I was reminded that he is involved with a group interview of an office manager candidate starting at 5:30, and that he has a meeting at church at 7:00. So, no can do. I drop DS#1 off at school and go back home. I read a magazine for 20 minutes, then start making dinner while listening to DS#2 practice piano. I put a casserole in the oven at 6:25 and rush out the door (with the other two boys) to pick up DS#1 and his friend, who I said I would take home. I drop the other boy off at his house and start stressing about if the oven timer is going off yet. I page DH, hoping he is home changing clothes and will take the casserole out of the oven for me. He calls back and is on his way home, too, although closer than I am. He says he will take it out for me. DH and I also discuss that at this point in our lives, we really need to NOT make other committments on weeknight evenings. Luckily, we are in agreement on this one. The boys and I get home in time to kiss DH goodbye. DS#1 sets the table and we sit down to eat. I clean up the kitchen while the younger two get ready for bed. I clip their nails and tuck them in at 8:00, and check on how DS#1 is doing on his homework. He finishes up as I am picking up the aftermath of the evening, and I let him read for a while. I just tucked him in at 8:30, and after I get off of the computer, I have plans to grade some papers, do a sudoku puzzle or two, and read a little bit more of my magazine. DH should be home any minute.

    I'm tired.

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #17
      I'm tired reading yours Sally!
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #18
        Up at 6:30. Make coffee.
        Pack lunches, check back packs. Nag children to get dressed, shower, comb hair, put on shoes, etc.
        Drive DS past dangerous street corner so he can walk to school.
        Put DD on bus.
        Refill coffee.
        Walk dog on hiking trail for 60 minutes. Clean muddy dog.
        Take dog to vet.
        Return dog to home.
        Morning chores--dishwasher, laundry, sweep, pick up morning disaster zones.
        Go to school to work lunch/recess (volunteer).
        Make appt. with school guidance counselor about DDs anxiety in class.
        Return home. Refill coffee.
        Errands. Home Depot, Kohls, Target.
        Pick up kids from school.
        Homework, snacks, change for indoor soccer tryouts. Gather stuff to entertain daughter at soccer dome.
        Refill coffee.
        Pick up carpool, drive to soccer dome across the city.
        Entertain daughter/ watch tryout.
        Drop off kids from carpool - stop for dinner at diner.
        Get DD ready for bed (nag about shower, teeth). Go through nightly cry attack about school.
        Get DS to read for his reading time. Nag him into PJs.
        Greet husband returning from work.
        Heat up some leftovers for him and collapse on couch. Watch CSI.
        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


        • #19
          Up at 745am, wonder why no kids are up!
          Get 5m old DD up, nurse and pump at the same time
          Talk to sister as she drives to work
          Put in a load of laundry
          Get DD1 breakfast
          Load DW, clean up last night's dishes
          Cut up mealy apples and put in dehydrator
          Put DD2 down for nap
          Play with DD1- read books, play with blocks
          Fold laundry
          Get DD1 dressed to go out
          Get DD2 up and dressed
          Go to furniture store-its closed, get a call from work, have a phone consult to finalize tomorrow's class, go to BB & Beyond,
          Nurse in the parking lot while on the phoen for work
          then to pet store to show DD the fish and gerbils.
          Go to Dry cleaner
          Get home, heat up leftovers for me, get lunch for DD1
          Put DD2 down for second nap
          Play with DD1
          Put DD1 down for nap
          Work outside in my extremely overgrown backyard-my exercise since I hate the gym
          Come in and surf the net- its only 245!:
          Mom to three wild women.


          • #20
            I got up and took DD to daycare for 3 hours (Tues/Thurs AM are my off time ). I did the grocery shopping, cleaned the bathroom, and made homemade chicken pot pie and chocolate chip cookies.

            Other than that, dealt with a million tantrums as I am weaning my DD and she is PISSED OFF about it. Also, she's been up every hour, all night, for the past 4 nights so we're both cranky.


            • #21
              up at 4:30
              at the gym 4:45-6a
              Home at 6:10, start breakfast for the boys, eat something too.
              Make lunch for DS#1 to take to school. Make lunch for DW to take to work. Make DW some breakfast too.
              6:55 get DW off to work
              7a- get oldest in the shower
              7:15a- get oldest out of the shower...really what 6yo needs a 15 minute shower?
              7:20 get youngest showered (me too.).
              7:45 get dog back in the house.
              8a get oldest on the bus
              8:10 get youngest to his school.
              8:15-9a drive 50 miles to my school
              9:30-10:45 Financial Accounting Theory
              11-12:15 Auditing
              12:20-1p-forgot my lunch, sat and tried to think of anything besides how hungry I was.
              1p-2:15 Tax
              2:20-3:10p drive 50 miles home
              3:15 pick up youngest from his school
              3:30p get oldest off the bus
              3:35-4:15 work on some homework that was due tonight.
              4:20 change book bags, load everyone in the car and drive toward DW somewhere on the highway between our home and her work.
              4:40p meet DW in the median, give her the boys as she is on her way home.
              4:45-5:15 drive 25 miles to my school, in a different town.
              5:30-8:30p E-Business
              8:35-8:50 drive to hometown.
              8:55 buy some bread at the grocery store.
              9:10p get home
              9:15 eat something
              9:30p do some homework until about 10:30 or 11p.
              Repeat every Thursday and Tuesday...Mon/Wed/Fri are a completely different schedule...


              • #22
                Up at 5:30
                Make coffee, breakfast for wife
                kid up at 6:20
                breakfast for kid
                coffee for me
                clean up kitchen, mess
                9am run 5 miles a ymca
                home for playgroup 10:30 - 12:30
                1:00 to 2:10 Kid naps, I clean
                2:30 to, mainly fire trucks today, some dancing
                4 -5 clean, prep for dinner, try to side step tantrums
                5-6 wait on damn wife to call/get clinic rotation so earlier then usual
                6-7 eat / play outside with neighoborhood kids
                7:30 bed time routine
                7:30-8 clean from dinner, make wife's lunch for next day
                8-9 listen to crap about hospital
                9-10 wonder where day went


                • #23
                  somehow I feel like the SAHD's are more efficient than the SAHM's (or at least me).

                  I rarely make breakfast for dh, he's really, really lucky if I make him coffee. The boys and I are usually having our cuddle time while dh is getting ready for work.

                  I was a lot more productive today -- perhaps I should have saved this one to share. Inbetween the kid-caring-for and carting-around, I cleaned / rearranged the storage area in the basement, finished cleaning up the playroom / family room from our painting this weekend, and cleaned out / re-organized the front hall closet. I have to figure out where to put the remainder of the stuff tomorrow. Most of it has homes or has been thrown out, but there are a few stragglers I don't want to deal w/tonight. I even made 2 - count them - 2 trips to Target and spent -- in total -- less than $75!


                  • #24

                    6:58 - Receive wake up call from SO
                    7:15 - Walk dog
                    7:30 - Shower
                    8:00 - Sit in traffic
                    8:45 - Arrive to work (late)
                    9-11 - Make a zillion phone calls and try to concentrate but can't stop thinking about car.
                    11:00 - Phone boss in DC and tell her I'm taking the afternoon off to run errands a buy a car
                    12:30 - Grab snack from Subway
                    1:06 - Arrive at DMV
                    2:15 - Number gets called at DMV
                    2:45 - Receive the drivers license that needed an address change and, apparently, an unexpected photograph that just so happened on the day I showered and ran out the door in 30 minutes sans makeup and nice hair. Grumble.
                    3:00 - Walk dog.
                    3:10 - Fall asleep on couch in front of space heater.
                    3:58 - Mom calls, she is on her way into town to help me car shop.
                    4:15 - Wake, make PBJ, (did I feed the dog?), get dressed in warmer clothes and scarf, research cars and dealerships online, post Honda on Craig's List.
                    4:45 - Mom and stepdad arrive with adorable Chihuahua Pippen (P-Diddy) and Paris pees on the floor.
                    5:00 - Finally going to look at cars.
                    5 - 9:15 - Test drive a hundred cars and decide on a Toyota Highlander. There are two to choose from. Will make to-do list of calling insurance, checking CarFax reports, and getting financing so I can pick one tomorrow.
                    9:45 - Arrive home, walk dog.
                    10:15 - Finally talk to SO for first time really all day. He's a zombie. Cancel plans for "sleepover" tonight and say we'll do it tomorrow.
                    10:50 - Here I am, exhausted and soon-to-be broke SUV tree-kicker.

                    :z :auto: :thud:


                    • #25
                      We test drove a Highlander back when we were car-hunting and LOVED it. It was out of our $-range, but whenever I see them, I . There's a hidden 3rd row of seats and the colors they come in are really nice!
                      married to an anesthesia attending


                      • #26
                        This SAHD is not efficient, in anyway shape or form...I guess I make breakfast because what else am I going to do...*cry*


                        • #27
                          Here was my Tuesday:

                          4:45 wake up for crew practice
                          5:00-7:00 coach rowing
                          7:15-8:15 get ready for work
                          8:15-8:45 bus ride to work
                          9:00-7:30 work
                          7:30-7:40 cab home
                          7:40-7:45 change out of suit and into coaching clothes (this is the most exciting five minutes of my day - nothing is better than screaming "where are my goddamn boots" to absolutely no one)
                          7:45-8:05 drive to Hyde Park
                          8:05-9:00 coach weight training
                          9:00-9:30 swim
                          9:30-9:50 drive to Streeterville to get the GF
                          9:50-10:00 drive us home (yay! time together!)
                          10:00 pass out on bed
                          - Eric: Husband to PGY3 Neuro


                          • #28
                            Wow, your all so productive! Don't shoot me! DH and I just got back from mexico - which was awesome- and dh is still on vacation. Yesterday we slept, dh studied, I did grocery shopping and house cleaning. DH rented movie and I made homemade vegi pot pie. We also tackled our scardy cat and brushed her teeth.
                            Today we took scardy cat to the vet due to her teeth problems, drank coffee, dh now studies while I surf the net and apply to jobs. Ahh, I love being unemployed. Too bad it's got to end
                            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                            • #29
                              I feel like SAHM's are so much more productive than those of us who go to work.

                              6:30 wake up, as DH leaves
                              6:35 brush teeth, wash face, shower, etc.
                              7:00 feed the cat
                              7: 05 post shower beauty routine
                              7:30 freak out over what to wear
                              8:00 run out of the apt
                              8:15 run into the train and try to catch breath
                              9:05 arrive at cubicle
                              9:15 check email/voice mail
                              9:45 get coffee
                              9:50 try to work (in reality check Yahoo email, iMSN, etc.)
                              12:00 start thinking about what to have for lunch, poll those around
                              12:30 lunch, errands, shopping
                              1:30 get back to office and eat (while surfing)
                              2:00 try to get back work
                              6:30 shut down and go home
                              7:30 get home
                              7:45 start dinner, call DH
                              9:00 eat dinner w/DH
                              9:30 watch TV
                              10:30 wash up and sleep

