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Ah Interview Season, finally!

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  • Ah Interview Season, finally!

    Soooo, we are awash with all these interviews, and we are trying to decide which ones to let go out of towns and/or programs we don't know a whole lot about. How does one decide which ones to give up? We are staying midwest (well that the majority of the interviews), how do you compare? I mean the cost of living is about equal in some of these, pay about equal, so any tips

    Can I say I'm SSOOOOO excited for March 15th

    Anyone else closing their eyes when the Jan and Feb credit card statements come in! Luckly DH is driving to most of the interviews, but they still add up!

  • #2
    Very nervous about the credit card bills.... it will be a pricey winter!! We are looking mostly east coast with some in the midwest. Here's to good winter travel weather!!!! yikes
    Wife to PGY5 ortho resident
    SAHM to 3


    • #3
      Yep a pricy winter, to bad it goes along with the holidays too!


      • #4
        With regard to which ones to "let go of" I think it's somewhat like college. Have some top tier programs, middle of the road and even a few "I'll get in if I show up" programs in an area you love.

        The match IS FICKLE. We always had good luck but know many "fantastic candidates" who for some reason or another only matched at their 6-10th choice.

        Not matching is just horrible.

        I would pay attention if you can (sometimes this info is hard to come by) on what programs struggle getting their docs jobs post training. A "name" school where people go "oh you went THERE" is worth it's weight in gold if the job market is tight. I'm convinced the only reason DH has a job now (the market is tight for CT) is due to where he trained, his amazing charisma (sorry, minor brag here ) and his "connections."

        The training at some programs is far superior to others. I'm generalizing here -- it varies from speciality to speciality -- but you get my point.

        I'd also pay attention as a spouse to the hours. Do they follow the rules?

        Good luck. This isn't an easy decision and it effects your marriage a whole H$LL of a lot.

        Wife to post training CT surgeon; mother of three kids ages 17, 15, and 11.

        “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.” —Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets " Albus Dumbledore


        • #5
          I'm getting excited for March 15th as well, but I'd rather just skip over all the finances. We also took out an extra loan to finance these jaunts across the country. Yes, we applied everywhere, and it's going to be expensive. The thing I'm most sad about is we're actually thinking of not getting a Christmas tree this year because we won't be here pretty much the entire month of December....


          • #6
            I'd rather just skip over all the finances
            I hear ya. I just crunched the numbers last night. After work, I'm heading to the gym. I have a few weeks to get big and intimidating. My plan is that I'll finance the interview trips with sporadic strong-arm robberies.


            • #7
              After work, I'm heading to the gym. I have a few weeks to get big and intimidating. My plan is that I'll finance the interview trips with sporadic strong-arm robberies.



              • #8
                Are any of the places paying for the hotel? Food? If I remember correctly, there were a few places that put dh up.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  I'd rather just skip over all the finances
                  About half are paying for hotel (on specialty list one) which reminds me of a funny (really sad) story. DW just returned to her away rotation yesterday after the weekend at home. I e-mailed her the breakdown / estimate site-by-site and totals. She brightened up and said, "oh, but is lodging included in your estimate?" I said "sure" look at the document. Voice raised and excited she said "oh, well some places we get complimentary lodging".

                  Duh, the freebies were figured in on the original estimate. :thud:


                  • #10
                    It gets expensive... But it's worth it not to leave stones unturned. You'll get over the hump.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      This is all part of my total bitterness towards medicine. It seems front-loaded w/expenses. Starting w/med school (of course), add to it interview fees - even ERAS applications, then start to add it testing fees, state licensing fees, professional memberships, board fees.

                      It just seems to me that at least SOME of these expenses could be lowered (ummm ... BOARDS? STATE LICENSES?) for newer docs -- everyone knows you're flat-ass broke a that time!

                      Sorry - hijack! And a tangent.


                      • #12
                        Yay military medicine!

                        Seriously, the expenses were mostly paid for, the Boards are paid for, licenses I think were paid for if I remember correctly- at least the first time- but it doesn't matter where you're licensed in the military unless you want to moonlight where you live (which is most definitely frowned upon during training.) So, you will find that there is a WHOLElot of people licensed in Indiana. (least expensive medical licenses)

                        My husband was able to rotate at the hospitals where he had interviews so he got to have a month of getting to know people, too.

                        Of course, since he was USUHS, he really could only interview at the major military medical centers but...who cares- he went to Hawaii for free three times, San Diego once, San Antonio twice, and Seattle twice. Poor baby. and your tax dollars paid for it.



                        • #13
                          Heidi, don't forget the $1000 test that takes place only Regionally (DH is driving to Atlanta for his) where we also have to pay for travel to/from and lodging. And basically from what I understand, it's just performing a physical exam.[/quote]

                          NO JOKE, DH is going to Chicago. I hear it's a 97% pass rate to, just to filter out the real idiots


                          • #14
                            I always get pulled into conversations that I was never a part of.

                            I think that means I am loud!

                            So, that I can officially jump in here. None of dh's interview expeses were covered. None. They figure if you want to go into ortho, they shouldn't have to attract you, there are several other candidates who will gladly pay for your slot, so why should they?

                            My friend in FP even had his plane fair paid for by one of the places he interviewed.

                            We too had interviews all over the country. From New York to the Midwest, to California, and the South, to the Southwest, and back. 10 in total. One expensive ride. Oh, and he had to fly to all of these places, because in ortho they have one interview date, and that's it. You are either there on that date, or you don't get an interview. So, you could have an interview in California for January 9th, and then need to be in Georgia on the 11th. DH only took the car to one interview that was 2 hours away, and I went with him.

                            We Pricelined a lot of hotels.
                            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                            • #15
                              Just to add to the bitterness: Just wait until you get to interview a second time for fellowship! Ode to Joy! Because we have an extra ten grand sitting in the bank after those high paying residency wages!

                              BRING IT ON!
                              Boards, Add it to my tab! Licensing! Absolutely! The checkwriting is RIDICULOUS!

                              I'm so over medicine.

                              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

