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Ah Interview Season, finally!

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  • #16
    I don't beleive any of my DH's expenses were covered either. A few places could get us discounts on hotels but they weren't free.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #17
      I don't understand why you guys are running all over America for interviews...DF only interviewed in Chicago and had no it might be differerent come the fellowship year, but he is going to at least try for the three Chicago slots...


      • #18
        Originally posted by CityChic919
        I don't understand why you guys are running all over America for interviews...DF only interviewed in Chicago and had no it might be differerent come the fellowship year, but he is going to at least try for the three Chicago slots...
        Most people don't have that luxury, or in DH & I's case we didn't want to stay where we did medical school - WAY to expensive!

        ETA: Most people don't have that luxury because there aren't as many programs around them or because they're matching in a really competitive program or they don't come from a "name" school, the list could go on and on!
        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


        • #19
          oh ok...thanks for the insight!


          • #20
            Our experience was similar to Heidi's but dh went on about 18 interviews. Why do you ask? Not the highest grades, competitive field, desire to relocate far from current location, not willing to not match, not sure where he would like, and not many progams in one location. It's better to over interview than not match. We were only going to do this once, so we went for it. Not bad advice in my opinion.

            We also had more interviews than we could schedule. How did we narrow them down? Mostly based on location. After med school in an undesireable location and much misery due to it, we weren't willing to take that chance again, quite so much.

            Good luck!
            Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


            • #21
              Originally posted by *Lily*
              Originally posted by jesher
              This is all part of my total bitterness towards medicine. It seems front-loaded w/expenses. Starting w/med school (of course), add to it interview fees - even ERAS applications, then start to add it testing fees, state licensing fees, professional memberships, board fees.

              It just seems to me that at least SOME of these expenses could be lowered (ummm ... BOARDS? STATE LICENSES?) for newer docs -- everyone knows you're flat-ass broke a that time!

              Sorry - hijack! And a tangent.

              Heidi, don't forget the $1000 test that takes place only Regionally (DH is driving to Atlanta for his) where we also have to pay for travel to/from and lodging. And basically from what I understand, it's just performing a physical exam.
              Hey - that was me - not Heidi. AND $1000 test is NOTHING my friend, NOTHING. DH's boards were $2200 AND only take place ONE PLACE IN THE COUNTRY (Florida). Flight, room & board ... all on the taker!


              • #22
                Originally posted by CityChic919
                I don't understand why you guys are running all over America for interviews...DF only interviewed in Chicago and had no it might be differerent come the fellowship year, but he is going to at least try for the three Chicago slots...
                That was a very dicey choice - and he lucked out. The match is controlled by an algorhithm (sp) and your rank list is plugged in and the places you interviewed have their rank lists plugged in. Fortunately someone where he wanted to be ranked him as highly as he ranked them, and no one else they wanted more ranked them highly enough. Yes - the sentence is awful, but so is the way the match works. Add to that the more competitive specialties, and you GOT to do the traveling.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by CityChic919
                  I don't understand why you guys are running all over America for interviews...DF only interviewed in Chicago and had no it might be differerent come the fellowship year, but he is going to at least try for the three Chicago slots...
                  Well, even though dh was an extremely competitive applicant with very nice board scores and grades ortho is a really competitive specialty. He applied to 50 (I think, trying to remember) ortho programs out of 120 available. We ruled out some of those because of the cost of living or other factors. We wanted to be in the west (not California if we could help it) because our family is in Utah. Ortho programs in the west are few and far between and hundreds of miles too! Out of the 50 spots applied for, 11 offered interviews. He went on 10. They were all over the country. We ended up in the South. I wish we would have had the luxury to stay in Utah for medical school, but it is a state school, and more competitive than most any other school out there. All private schools, for the most part, are in the Eastern U.S., and dh only got into Albany Med. We also did not get an interview at Utah for residency in spite of an away rotation there. So, we ended up here. It's a good place to be all things considered, but I wish we didn't have to trapse all over the country. Would've been nice.

                  DH's ortho program invites 80 candidates for interviews every year. They have 2 spots.
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by alison
                    It gets expensive... But it's worth it not to leave stones unturned. You'll get over the hump.
                    This is kind of the way I feel about it. This is probably one of the most important decisions we have made together (DH was already in med school when we got married, so I didn't really have a choice on location...), and why would we skimp on a time like this. There are so many options, and it's worth it to us to examine those options very carefully. We've already spent many many thousands of dollars on med school, exams, us, now is not the time to save a few bucks.

                    Spend, spend, spend!!


                    • #25
                      Jenn was your DH's Step 3 cost $2200???? I thought it was a grand! Whatever it is, that money is going into the savings account LOCKED UP! Why don't the hospitals pay this??? But then again as we all say medicine is all money - FROM YOU!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JulieL
                        Jenn was your DH's Step 3 cost $2200???? I thought it was a grand! Whatever it is, that money is going into the savings account LOCKED UP! Why don't the hospitals pay this??? But then again as we all say medicine is all money - FROM YOU!
                        Not step 3 -- AP/CP boards. Step 3 was $1000 if I remember correctly. That's why dh waited so long to take it. Sorry if we were talking about a specific test. I see red when exam fees are mentioned.


                        • #27

                          We have been reimbursed for everything- except the second $250 bucks for the Indiana license.

                          and of course there's that Value-Added Uniform that pays for itself.


