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Holiday Weekend..

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  • Holiday Weekend..

    We're trying to do some fun things with the kids over this extended weekend....Do you guys have any plans? Thomas has 4 days in a row off!!!!! I can't believe it!!! He was off Friday when Kelly came over (fun thing #1...and doesn't go back to work until Tues.) Today we had planned to go hiking, but it rained. We took the kids to the burger king nearby and drank coffee while they played for 2 hours!!! There were so many kids and they were having such fun that we didn't feel like we could leave! (I think it's our longest trip ever). Tomorrow is either mall of america or an indoor waterslide (depending on whether or not Jason calls me back )...and I guess we'll wing it for Monday...

    School starts for the kids on Tues, so I want them to have a nice weekend. Finny and I went for "special time" tonight. We haven't done that in about 6 months and it was so nice to just go out with her. We went and bought her barettes and bows for her hair and each drank a coke...Andrew and Thomas got to play playmobile together today as well....

    All in all....a pretty darned good day!


  • #2
    Sounds awesome! You're almost like the Cosby family!

    Our plans for the holiday weekend? Finish putting together the office- which means unpacking the rest of the boxes. I'm so sick of looking at boxes at could SCREAM!

    Actually, I am going to find a way to get out and do some exploring today. There's supposed to be some cool stuff nearby. I think it would help me like it here a little more if I knew there was stuff to do close by. Target is only exciting for so long!

    Enjoy the 4 days with your family!



    • #3
      Hahahaha...more like "Roseanne", I fear!!! I'm just a Cosby wannabe! Actually, Thomas and I had a conversation about it last night. We haven't been in the habit of doing family things or creating family time...we just didn't have the opportunity over the last couple of years. So...we have decided to implement a plan...and I am sure that it is going to feel very weird at first. We talked about what we want our children to remember from their childhoods...and the things that we remember about our families.

      We decided to make Friday nights "family fun night" with pizza and board games and a movie before bed...

      Saturdays will be our hiking day where we drive to state parks and hike, etc.....

      and Sunday will be a quiet play playmobile day where we'll have a late lunch/early dinner of Saurbraten (something that Thomas remembers as a traditional Sunday dinner at his house).

      I know it sounds very concocted and fake...but we just don't know any other way to make our family life more "normal" than to come up with a plan. Eventually, maybe it will be tradition at our house. Thomas just said that someday he wants the kids to come home from college every Sunday just for Saurbraten...even when they are married....and I think that is so ... great.

      I really hope that we'll be able to make this happen.



      • #4
        Great to hear you're having a good weekend, Kris! Yesterday, we went to visit a national monument - Montezuma Castle. It was built by the Indians. (This was good because we got away from our tech toys for a bit) We learned some history, took a few pics, and hung out at a nearby casino. I know you're going to laugh at this but I'm a major BINGO enthusiast! I wanted to play but they were on their last game and the next session would be in two hours. I was so bummed! We didn't want to hang out for that long, so we came back home and watched a movie we rented. Today, I'm going to help my fiance with his residency apps and just relax....



        • #5

          All traditions start with a plan. Your's sounds great. I'm on call this weekend for Endoscopy and Jory is on call all weekend.

          Amy will be 18 tomorrow!!! I can't believe it. Tonight her Dad & I are taking her and her boyfriend out to dinner. I can't wait, she is so grown up now.

          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            We flew in late last night from a week at the beach with most of my extended family. It was fabulous. Now Rick's at the hospital checkingon things and I'm avoiding going to the grocery store. Tomorrow, we plan to have a gradual reentry to the real world- clean the house and do some laundry, etc. While we were away, we spent the last day touring Norfolk- where we flew in and out from. Being a military family- it was really cool to see the ships and touring the MacArthur memorial. I'm very glad he's not Navy though- I can't imagine what their tours are like!



            • #7
              It's sounds like a lot of you had good weekends. Kris, your family tradition plans sound wonderful. We have family night on Monday nights and it is a lot of fun and helps to have a set day to spend time together as a family.

              We had an interesting weekend. I impulsively decided on Thursday night to drive to Las Vegas on Friday with my 4 boys in our very unreliable van to see my best friend from college and meet her fiance. We had a great time and the van ran just fine.

              The kids had so much fun that I was very glad that I took them. Jeff (THE FIANCE ) took the boys hiking and then to Game Works. He also has a great swimming pool and the kids swam a lot! We had a barbeque, watched movies and ate tons of food. I got to take my friend ring shopping! That was fun and she was glad to go with me first before going with Jeff. It was so nice to get away.

              The only mishap was my 4-year-old running into the corner of a desk and we ended up spending some time Saturday afternoon in the emergency room. Fortunately, they were able to glue his laceration instead of having to have stitches. I love modern technology!!!!

              Now comes the hard part of trying to get back into the routine at home and getting everything unpacked. It was worth it though! My husband was very jealous that I went. I didn't tell him until after I got there being that I knew he would be worried sick about me driving. Hey... I did get to go through my first DUI checkpoint! Cool! My kids thought it was pretty neat and they even got a key chain from the nice policeman!

              My poor husband was stuck in Michigan all by himself for the weekend. Three more weeks and he will be home. I can hardly wait!

              Glad everyone seemed to have a good weekend!



              • #8
                Hey Robin-

                Where is your husband in Michigan? We are in Saginaw.



                • #9

                  Aren't spur-of-the-moment trips great? You don't spend a lot of time planning,packing, etc...just decide, pack and go! It sounds like you guys had a great time (and I'm glad your van made it there and back in one piece!).

                  Hope your dh made it back safely from MI..



                  • #10
                    I wish i'd known he was there. We joined some friends from Grand Blanc & Flint Monday night for a BBQ. He couldv'e joined and been able to meet some other DO students at the same point he is. Actually, he may have met one of the people that was there since he there in Genesys- and also likes it a great deal.

                    If he's in dire need of a home-cooked meal.... I'd be happy to.... although I'm no Emeril or anything!



                    • #11
                      Wendy ... Russ was at Genesys in Grand Blanc for the first month and right now he is in Pontiac at POH. He really liked Genesys but has not been impressed with POH at all.

                      He won't be home for another 19 days! The countdown is on. I can't wait for him to get back and we have decided to not do this again if possible. It was way too long for us to be separated. He is a homebody and I struggle trying to keep 4 boys, the house, and all our activities in order.

                      We did have a great time and it felt good to do something spontaneous like that. I haven't done that in quite awhile. I think I need a vacation from my vacation though! I sure am tired this week.



                      • #12
                        Thanks Wendy for the offer. I think Russ is dying for a homecooked meal though I think he is more excited about getting on the road and heading home. He leaves in 13 days to start the long drive.

                        That would have been fun for him to have joined you and friends at your barbecue. He has enjoyed getting to know so many DO students in Michigan. He doesn't get that quite as much here in Arizona.


