I am sooo glad you enjoyed it...it is my favorite city and DH's 2nd ater NYC!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes/went well w/ the interview!!
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Chicagoans! Need info, please!
I'm glad you liked it here! I hope you got some answers to your housing questions.
Yeah, isn't that elevator something?!There's a violin dealer -- Bein and Fushi -- in that building. They let my brother try out a Strad.
married to an anesthesia attending
That's too bad that there weren't any get-togethers for spouses. In my dh's program there are many single men and women. The single ones live in studios very close to work and bike or walk to work. If they're married, some couples have bought in Wrigleyvile (which I cannot stand--baseball traffic, pissing/ing in your yard and/or mailbox). Another couple bought in the West Loop at the start of residency, had a baby, and recently sold their condo to move to a more family-friendly area. For dogs, Evanston has a dog beach and good restaurants. It's quite a commute though.
I don't know what you like or dislike in neighborhoods. I wish I could help you more. I'm willing to give up size for location. I love my neighborhood, feel safe (I often walk alone to the bookstore/Starbucks late at night when dh is working). The neighborhood has its up and downs, but you'd have to pay me big money to move away from the lake and park. Even if it is just a lake...married to an anesthesia attending
I just read all of your posts and you guys are giving me some great info too. We just moved to Chicago in june '06 and I am constantly finding new and exciting places to go and eat. There is so much you can experience in this great city I'm not sure that 5 years will be quite enough. Anyway, after adjusting to the culture shock (being from the south) we love it here. We are actually in the Wicker Park area and love it. However, we are moving in the next couple of months so that we can actually have some grass for my son to play in. Not sure where yet! Thanks for all the info. I will be sure to check out all of these places!