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  •  SCRUBS...F.Y.I

    Scrubs premieres on October 2nd at 9:30 PM on NBC

    Thought I'd keep you all updated...


  • #2
    I can't WAIT to see this show. I'm hoping it will have my dh rolling with laughter about his otherwise serious career in medicine!


    • #3
      I am hoping that it will give my husband a good laugh too. We are in need of a funny medical show! Hope this is it!



      • #4
        We're looking forward to it too! It looks like it will be really good!



        • #5
          OK, just to prove to you all that I have been hiding in a hole and that's why I haven't been posting... what's scrubs?


          • #6
            Jon (my intern husband) and I found it to be HILARIOUS! Jon's hospital is pretty "cush" compared to the one protrayed on the show, but he said it comes pretty close to the feel of a Parkland call-night (which he had to do a number of in med school). We were laughing though the entire thing: the program director was crazy, the doctors were funny, and the situations were somewhat accurate (at least emotionsally) and were really well-written (especially the confrontation between the nurse and the out-for-herself intern)! We really enjoyed it. Another episode is airing on Thursday. I think this is going to tap into the "ER" audience mostly - since the only other people who will be able to relate are doctors.



            • #7
              so there is another episode tomorrow night--I thought it was 8:30 ct so we missed it--although with as much battle as I am doing on the resident work hour front--I have to admit I am not all that upset about missing it.

              Would hate for the public to get the wrong idea and that this experience for residents and family members is one long sit-com. You are tired, and not interested in our relationship, or our family, you are grumpy, suffering from sleep deprivation, providing sub standard care because of a lack of sleep; 30% of you hahafunny residents will be diagnosed with severe depression, 15% of you will need to be hopitalized for severe depression, 10% of you will contemplate suicide and 6% of you will carry it out, with a mortality rate of 3% percent.

              Gees that is funny--sorry I guess I am still a little jaded on the whole topic.


              • #8
                We missed it too....I guess we'll catch an episode Thursday.....I have heard pretty mixed reviews from med spouse friends.....I guess it depends on your residency experience and where you are at in the process. I might be inclined now to see some things as being funny that I didn't think were funny before...but I agree, Jason, that there should be an honest portrayal...

                I don't tell new people that I meet that thomas is a physician. When we moved here, Thomas' pic, etc was printed in the paper, and the neighbors came to me....they thought that we would be sending our child to private schools, etc, etc...when our moving truck came with basically no furniture and they noticed that we have furniture in only one room in the house, we were asked when we would be having it delivered...and no one believes us that we don't have the money to buy any....If I mention how hard Thomas worked during residency, the comments are "but you have it made now"...yah...ok!

                But then again, levity is good!



                • #9
                  Scrubs is a new tv show that premiered tonight. It is a comedy about interns. I was looking forward to it but I was actually pretty disappointed in it. Did any of you feel the same?

                  The hospital that Russ is rotating at right now got to see an advanced showing because news reporters wanted to get the real interns impression of the show.

                  Don't worry Kaaren. I don't think you missed much. I am still hoping that it will get better.



                  • #10
                    Okay ... so why didn't I find it hilarious?! My husband did find it funnier than I did. Maybe it has to do with the apprehension of internship starting next year. Who knows... I did think the part in the elevator with the patient who had "bad gas" was hilarious! I just thought the interns were WAY too naive. More like 3rd year med. students. Okay, I will have to watch next week now before deciding.



                    • #11
                      I thought it was OK. Not the funniest thing I've ever seen, but not the worst, either. My parent's thought the Tuesday show was hilarious and were looking forward to tonights show. Parts were funny- I thought the part with the female doctor and the nurses was funny and very realistic, too.

                      I'll watch it again and see what I think.



                      • #12
                        hmm...i definitely liked it more on tuesday night than tonight's episode. i guess i am more into the "realism" of ER, as unrealistic as that show sometimes is - it seemed like a lot of the situations were really, really stretched. and, what is up with their portrayal of surgeons?!? my husband is no jock! he was mr. chemistry guru in college! i'm surprised at the animosity they portray between meds and surgeons - is it really like that? i was actually in on the medicine guys' perspective until i met my husband - i've seen him joke around with my father who is medicine many times but i thought it was just friendly banter! hee hee ... taking up for my man! overall, it's cute and there are some good scenes - i'll watch it again. i don't think it will stay around too long though - what do you all think?


                        • #13
                          I was disappointed. I thought it fell sort of like a flat, deflated balloon. I didn't see Tuesday's episode, but tonight's wasn't anything special. I enjoyed Friends immensely more. Now THAT show is funny!

                          If Scrubs can't be funny, I prefer the more gutsy realistic shows that go out on a limb.
                          Edited by: Janet at: 10/4/01 11:31:47 pm


                          • #14
                            Matt (my med intern hubby) thought it was really funny, and to a "point" realistic (compared to the program he is at). He said that being a IM intern is like being the chess club. The program director on the show reminded him of one of the attendings. Overall, we both thought it was funny. Matt had me promise him to tape it during the times he is on-call, so that he can come home and have a good laugh. He really sympathized with the scene where JD ate the patient's food while he was asleep- Matt said "I have never done that but there have been times when I have had no time to eat or sleep, and I go into a patient's room and there is their leftover food, and I just want to snag a bite." Matt has lost 15 lbs since starting his internship, and believe me it is not through exercising (although he wishes that was how he had done it).


                            (Three more months 'til lil' one arrives)

                            Gas, and 4 kids


                            • #15
                              OMG...We missed it AGAIN! Didn't I start this thread to remind everyone It sounds like we didn't miss much, but.....I would have loved to see it Anyone have an extra tape of it laying around?


