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The thesis fiasco continues...

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  • The thesis fiasco continues...

    Grrrrrrrrrrrr! I mailed off my finished thesis several weeks ago...and two of my committee members signed off immediately...but my major prof (the one who needed 4 months to design my primers ) has a "grant due" and a "test to grade" and hasn't gotten to it.

    The big catch is that I was supposed to turn in everything by the grad office by Oct 1 ( ) in order to be able to only register for 1 credit hour this semester. I did everything in my power to get that done..but I am not in control of the other factors....I HATE that!

    In any case, I'm going to have to find a way through our dept. secretary to register for two more credit hours now (mid-way though the semester) or wait until spring to graduate now.....{sigh}

    Has anyone else experienced something like this...I'm ripping my hair out...not to mention I haven't even paid the 1 credit hour tuition yet and don't know how I'll pay for two more....Grrrrrr!


  • #2
    oh kris! you so deserve to just graduate right now, too! of all people, this should happen to me considering i haven't made any progress at all on mine! keep the chin up! the department should be able to work something out - there were several people from our department who got screwed by the school in some way.


    • #3
      That S**ks. I can't believe after all the hard work and effort you have put in that you are still getting the run around. So I'm not sure I follow on the needing to take other credits though.


      • #4
        {sigh} even my own family doesn't want to hear about it anymore. Thomas finally just said "just let me know when your graduation date is!" It has been such a frustrating, long, drawn-out process.....I feel bad for even mentioning it here at the forums because ..... it is such a dried up topic!!!



        • #5

          This is not a dried up topic, it is about you and important to you. I hope Thomas will change his tune, how many years did you listen to and support him?

          wife, mother, nurse practitioner

          "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


          • #6
            I have to agree with Luanne. He may not of been as vocal about his struggles, but they were no more important than yours.


            • #7
              I think it is more his feelings of helplessness (believe me, I understand that feeing about the blasted thesis!) and the fact that again we will have to dish out more money...I've had so little control over so many factors and he just feels like it is "never" going to happen...and so do I

              My other professors have told me to begin calling this guy on Monday to get him moving on I'll let you know if/when it ever gets signed by him....I hesitate to make the final copies on the rag paper because I have a feeling that this guy will be unhappy with it for some reason....he was my major professor but I almost never saw him and had little contact with him. He didn't read one single draft while I was writing my thesis or help me prepare for my defense in any way...I was fortunate that another committee member who I had worked closely with really supported me and helped me. The night before my defense he finally took a look at what I was going to say and tried to make a bunch of last minute changes...I have a feeling.......sigh....

     never know...I'll just keep hoping...


