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    Hi all. Sorry for my disappearing act. Should be back now on a regular basis.

    Here is an update:

    - New job is going well, but as all new jobs are - VERY BUSY (part of my cause for no posting).

    - Had surgery on my arm right before starting the new job. That is finally healing and I no longer need a splint.

    - Matthew is about to turn 2!!! I can hardly believe it.

    - Working on a second child (hoping we are preg as we speak. Should be able to test soon).

    - Doing construction on the house (creating a rec room in the basement) and I am the General Contractor. The fun parts have been having to lug 48 sheets of drywall into the basement, shoving lumber through the basement windows, and my hubby and I insullating the walls and ceiling. (Thus another reason I have not been posting). Should be finishing up on this soon.

    - Just celebrated Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur (yes I fasted and lived to tell about it.)

    Anyhow - that is really about it for now. Hope all are well.


  • #2

    Welcome back....I haven't gotten a chance to e you back yet...I've really cut down on my internet time lately.....I have to get offline now because Alex just woke up....

    It sounds like you've been so busy...I'm glad that things are going well and that you are settling nicely into your new job! How is it anyway?



    • #3
      Welcome back!! You are one busy person. Good luck with your new job and new rec room. Sounds great!!! Glad your surgery went well and that you are feeling better.



      • #4
        welcome back, adrienne! you need to come over to our house and survey the work to be done!


        • #5
          Glad to have you back Adrienne. I've got my fingers crossed for you on the pregnancy!

          I'm impressed by your work on your home. I grew up doing that sort of thing- we were always remodeling or building something. Dave on the other hand ascribes to the theory of education= no more manual labor. He figures that he went to college so as to avoid doing such things as fixing cars and remodeling homes!



          • #6
            Welcome back, we've missed you!

            Your house project sounds ambitious! How did you learn how to do this stuff? Sean and I are always at a loss when ever we go to Home Depot. On more than one occasion we've said that our family will never appear on an episode of "This Old House" because we would kill each other!

            I hope that Matthew has a wonderful 2nd birthday! Can you believe how quick it goes?

            And finally, I am definitely keeping my fingers crossed that you are indeed preggers! Let us know.

            In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


            • #7
              Thanks for all your thoughts. Job is keeping me VERY busy. As for the home - don't be too impressed. I am not doing much of the actual work (only the painting and insullation). We are hiring contractors for the real heavy stuff. And as for a baby - T minus 7 days before I can do an actual test, but I feel pregnant.


              • #8
                Welcome back, Adrienne. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you in the pregnancy department. I spent a fortune on those little home tests month after month. Brings back fond memories of when one finally tested positive!

                Good luck! With job and baby #2...

