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For Army docs only

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  • For Army docs only

    This impacts only Army because the other services have abandoned the stop-loss/stop-movement. But if we have any people who are due to getout shortly, this is for you:

    Stop-loss rules change for health services soldiers

    By Jim Tice - Staff writer
    Posted : Tuesday Apr 3, 2007 13:57:29 EDT

    Health services personnel who are attached to deploying units within three months of movement to Iraq or Afghanistan are subject to stop-loss and stop-movement restrictions under a policy change announced Thursday.

    The policy modifies the stop-loss and stop-move rules in effect since 2004, and that were reiterated by the Army in August 2006.

    Soldiers subject to stop-loss and stop-move restrictions generally are ineligible for voluntary separation, retirement or reassignment.

    The restrictions are lifted 90 days after re-deployment to home station to give soldiers staying in service a period of readjustment before being moved to a new assignment.

    During the three-month period, soldiers who are leaving service receive mandatory transition briefings and participate in transition services through the Army Career and Alumni Program.

    The recent policy change is targeted at officers and enlisted soldiers of the Army Medical Department who are assigned to deploying units through the Professional Filler System.

    Under the new rule, PROFIS soldiers who are attached to deploying units become subject to stop-loss and stop-movement when the unit is within 90 days of deploying.

    Soldiers are not subject to stop-loss and stop-movement before the 90-day point, according to a policy directive issued to field commands by Human Resources Command.

    The command further notes that the change does not apply to PROFIS soldiers who deployed before March 1 and who on that date had an approved separation action or assignment instruction, or a scheduled expiration term of service date during the deployment.

    Also, the new policy does not change the duration of deployments for PROFIS soldiers in the Army Medical Department 180-day Deployer program, or the 90-day Graduate Medical Education Deployer Program.

    The new policy amends the personnel management guidance issued Aug. 22, 2006.

    That MilPer Message, No. 06-232, is the Army’s definitive statement of stop-loss and stop-movement policy for the active component.