I read somewhere that residents accrue additional payback time if they do a military residency. It had something to do with their residency counting toward their payback for med school but also adding on one year for each year of residency. (i.e. Someone with a four year med school committment and a four year residency would break even.)
Is it true that a military resident accrues time? DH currently owes only three years since he joined as a MSII, but he wants to do a four year-long path residency, so it sounds like he'll actually owe four years if he does a military residency. Is this the case? I asked him, and he's not sure!
Also, any idea how likely it is that the AF will grant him a civilian deferment if he requests one?
Is it true that a military resident accrues time? DH currently owes only three years since he joined as a MSII, but he wants to do a four year-long path residency, so it sounds like he'll actually owe four years if he does a military residency. Is this the case? I asked him, and he's not sure!
Also, any idea how likely it is that the AF will grant him a civilian deferment if he requests one?