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Payback time

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  • Payback time

    Hello everyone,
    I was wondering for people who are doing FAP, if you don't start at the beginning of your residency, do they count a whole calender year of payback or do they pay the money for the months missed. Example, my husband probably won't get sworn in until November, so he will only be in the AF for 2 years and like 8 months instead of the full three for residency.

  • #2
    Well, for us, it worked like this.
    When the paperwork was finally finished and she was sworn in, October 4, 2001. That is when the FAP contract started.
    Active duty started October 2004, just by the fact that she was delayed from finishing residency because of pregnancy. So, the FAP contract was only for 2 years and 7months. We still got the payments like they told us, but NOT for the full 3 years of residency. These are all the details that you don't get told until you have figured it out on your own! The payback is for a full 4 years from the date that you go active duty.

    We are having a HUGE, I mean, HHUUUGGGEEEE blowout...somewhere... on October 3, 2008. Not only is it our tenth wedding anniversary, but-and almost more importantly- it is the last day of DW's committment for active duty with the AF.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gmdcblack
      We are having a HUGE, I mean, HHUUUGGGEEEE blowout...somewhere... on October 3, 2008. Not only is it our tenth wedding anniversary, but-and almost more importantly- it is the last day of DW's committment for active duty with the AF.
      Let's mark our calendars!


      • #4
        There is no escaping PayBack time!

        Our Big Day will be May 19, 2013 but he's still saying that he'll never practice medicine as a civilian. So, we may not get a Big Day until he's kicked out at 30 years. (2021)- damn, doesn't that look wierd!)



        • #5
          Thanks guys

