It looks as though we will be entering under the wings of Uncle Sam in a little under two years. It's so strange to think about that next stage of our lives - and admittedly, we don't even really need to think about it at this point! We were both under this optimistic impression that he would be granted another deferment to do a fellowship. The Air Force is only offering one position that year and it is with the AF - meaning we would accrue even more time to pay back so we said heck no! But you know my determined hubby - we'll just do it AFTER our 4 year commitment! Is this EVER going to end?? Are we ever going to be able to move to a city of our choice and *settle down*? Errrgh, I am so frustrated! So, anyway - here come the questions:
* I know that I've asked this a zillion times but let me just ask one more time since my memory is so weak! Are the chances pretty good that we would be placed in one of our top three choices for location (or do we even get any choices?) We would really like to end up in either NC/DC/VA/SC. I don't know if that is a "good" area for military surgeons or not. . .
*How important is the work you do in the military as far as getting a job after the commitment and getting into a fellowship? Otherwise known as, does it matter where you go or not? Small town as opposed to larger city?
* I know that I've asked this a zillion times but let me just ask one more time since my memory is so weak! Are the chances pretty good that we would be placed in one of our top three choices for location (or do we even get any choices?) We would really like to end up in either NC/DC/VA/SC. I don't know if that is a "good" area for military surgeons or not. . .
*How important is the work you do in the military as far as getting a job after the commitment and getting into a fellowship? Otherwise known as, does it matter where you go or not? Small town as opposed to larger city?