Life is going pretty well. It's been almost a year since we moved back to Oklahoma, and we've had a surprisingly good year. Internship hasn't been near as bad for us as it could have been - but now we're a little nervous about next year, when Brad moves into a more traditional residency experience. He's more ready than I am. I think he's looking forward to finally getting to learn anesthesiology, and it'll be nice for him to not be by himself when he's on call.

I've been out of town for every weekend for two and a half months, except for one weekend when my MIL came to stay with us to help us do our landscaping. Last weekend, Brad was on call Saturday, so I finally got a weekend at home. My house was seriously disgusting after going that long without a good weekend cleaning. I did all but the kitchen, which I keep pretty clean anyway, and the vacuuming (because my vacuum cleaner started smoking - oops!) This weekend, we have nothing to do, and we're both off Memorial Day. I can't tell you how excited I am to finally get a weekend at home with him! We have a few chores to do, but it'll mostly be staying in our pajamas, playing video games, ordering pizza, watching movies, and reading. Completely lazy, and I love it!

Still no excitement on the TTC front. I took the ovulation predictor tests this last cycle, and I'm not even ovulating yet. Kind of annoyed by that, but since I'd been on BCP for so long, I expected it to take awhile to get back to normal. (Still, it seems like everybody else gets pregnant approximately 10 seconds after stopping the pill, doesn't it?)

Unfortunately, it looks like my sister is really going to go through with the divorce. I guess I was kind of hoping for some Hollywood-style reunion or something. Her husband still hasn't moved out, so she's kind of annoyed by that. I'm guessing maybe he's hoping to work things out, but doesn't really know what to do, so they're like roommates who never really talk to each other. I can't imagine how awkward it is – they're in a little two-room apartment (that's one bathroom and one livingroom/kitchen/bedroom/closet). She said he seems happier now, though. She just found out that she got a job teaching 4th grade math next year. So excited for her about that!

My job is going okay. Our IT department has relied way too heavily on contractors for our development team, and now we have a new manager who gave them all 30 days notice. (Apparently, we were spending about $500,000 a month on all the contractors!) we're going to be left with our one in-house developer, so our current project is about to come to a grinding halt. It's kind of scary for me and the other business analyst, since they don't really need two people writing requirements for one person, but I think they're going to start training us on development so we can help. I really hope so - I liked programming, and I'll feel a little more secure if I have more stuff to do.

Today is my husband's birthday. We're going out on Friday night to celebrate, but tonight we're grilling steaks and hoping the weather stays nice so we can sit out in our back yard and enjoy some wine. I got him an iPod. It seems a little impersonal, but he's really been wanting one that plays video (he got his current one a long time ago). I couldn't swing for the iPod Touch, but I got the next best one. I kept the receipt, though, so he can use his birthday money he got from his parents to upgrade it if he wants. I can't believe how fast this year has gone - it seems like we just celebrated his birthday back in Dallas!