So, I have about a month left until my due date! Craziness!!! I had my last shower today, and it was beautiful. I am so blessed to have such great friends! It was fun having everyone there together - a friend from high school who lives here, some friends from medical school who came from Dallas, some friends I've made since residency started, and my future sister-in-law. All amazing women!

DH and I are planning on going on a massive Babies R Us run to finish off the necessities next weekend. I am really excited - I think after that, I will finally feel "ready". Well, as ready as anyone can be for this kind of thing...

I had my first internal exam at my doctor's appointment on Thursday, and I'm between 1 and 2 centimeters dilated and about 50% effaced. I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything, but it made it seem a lot more real to DH and me. I guess just knowing that my body is starting to prepare has gotten me really excited. It makes me a little nervous, though, because we are really hoping that I go to my due date.

If you followed a post I made a few months back, apparently it's really common for resident wives to schedule an induction so their husbands can plan their time off. (I checked, and the hospital I deliver at is okay with that.) Well, I really didn't want to do that, since it means scheduling for before your due date, and I want my baby to come when he and I are both ready. DH talked to the chief resident, and he said that was completely fine. He scheduled all of DH's call for March for the first half of the month so it would be less impact on their schedules when DH gets his three days off. But... If I'm early, that means DH is on call almost every other day! I'm sure he can trade around some, but it would be really nice if I could just go to my due date. Which I think should work out- most first time mothers end up going past their date anyway from what I've read.

Also, Friday is my last day of work! I've really enjoyed this job. It's a much more positive environment than where I was when we first moved for residency, and I've been much busier than I was at my previous job. It's so much nicer to feel needed, and it makes the time pass by faster.

Wish me luck - I can't believe it's so close!!! This eight months have flown by!