How can my little newborn be two months old already??? I was just procrastinating writing a "One Month" blog entry!

I have to say, this has been the most amazing two months of my life. I have fallen in love with Alex, and he just means the world to me! I still feel like a complete failure a lot of days - I have really high expectations for what I *should* be doing that just isn't possible right now, but DH is great about telling me how much he appreciates what I do and helping out without making me feel bad. We actually had a good conversation last night about how I do this with every job I've had - set such high expectations for myself that I think I'm doing a terrible job for the first several months. But Alex is healthy and happy, so I guess that's a good performance evaluation, right?

So, what've we been up to for the past couple months? Well, here are some highlights:

Alex was born:

We brought him home:

We gave him a sponge bath:

I took him to an Easter party with what will be his playgroup:

He had some tummy time:

He had his first real bath:

His grandparents came to visit:
DH's parents:

My parents:

He turned one month old!

We started using cloth diapers:

He got to come with me to my appointment and officially meet the doctor who delivered him:

He played in his Bumbo:

I celebrated my first Mother's Day:

My brother-in-law graduated from college:

He got his 2-month vaccinations:

His little smile melted my heart. Every day.