We've gone out of town for the past two weekends - our first overnight stays since Alex was born. It's been... an adventure. Holy crap traveling with an infant is a lot of work! We went to visit our parents in SE Oklahoma for Memorial Day weekend, and we went to Orlando this weekend for my brother-in-law's wedding, leaving Thursday morning and getting back today.

Memorial Day weekend was a good practice. We kind of figured out what we needed and what we didn't, so that helped with limiting the number of bags we had to take on the flight this weekend. Overall, it was great going to visit and getting to see everyone. I was a little annoyed by random things - being told he sleeps too much (he only sleeps about 10 hours total each day, much less than the average baby his age), and having them get him overstimulated then not wanting to give him back to DH or me, even though he was crying inconsolably. Ah well, he'll survive, and I don't want to discourage his grandparents from being involved. If they couldn't calm him down, I'd just claim he was hungry and take him away to nurse.

This weekend was more difficult. For one thing, it was longer. But also, there were a *lot* of people. I know they were excited to meet him, but I really put my foot down about passing him around. He was already stressed by the new environment, and I wasn't about to let something I could control make it worse for him. Nursing was really difficult. There were so many events, and we had to coordinate moving the carseat base to different cars based on who was going where and when. (We were going to rent our own car, but several other people were going to be renting/bringing their own, that DH's parents told us it wouldn't be necessary.) So I had to plan feedings based around a lot of other people's plans, and do a lot of feeding him out in the car while everyone was inside having fun. DH was really grateful, but he was busy with wedding stuff, so he wasn't very helpful. I got pretty annoyed with him a few times... He left my (very expensive) camera at the rehearsal dinner restaurant, and several times during the wedding reception, he went and got himself drinks without offering to get any for me, even though I was pretty much stuck at the table with Alex, who was sleeping.

Oh well, we survived, and shouldn't have to do any traveling for awhile. Thank goodness!!!