Busy, busy! I have to say, the two month to three month stretch was the longest month since before I got pregnant! That was tough! Alex started catnapping - only 30 minutes at a time - and several weeks in there, he was waking up every hour at night. Not to eat, but just waking up crying. I got to where I was just sleeping in the recliner with him all night. Turns out, the magical solution was to go back to having him sleep in his carseat. Now he's only waking 1-2 times a night just to eat and goes right back to sleep, and it's wonderful. I actually feel human again! His naps are also getting longer, so I can actually have a shower every day.

Here's what's been going on since then:

He's started sitting on Daddy's shoulders:

We've gone on several trips. This is what we packed for his first one:

He had his first horseback "ride". This is my horse from when I was little. He's very old, blind, and retired - we don't ride him anymore, but he enjoys a very comfy life in my parents' pasture.

We went to the zoo with some other resident wives and their kids:

First Father's Day:

Three month pictures:

Our best friends from Dallas visited. We think Alex and their daughter should get married someday so we can all be family.

(They're going to hate us for this someday...)

4th of July: