He's doing great otherwise. He's such a little trooper to have to put up with all of this...and his IV's keep blowing, so they have to restick and restick...I think an IV started all of this in the first place...he had a catheter in that leg...lower down but still that leg...I found a few case reports of children with Staph aureus femoral osteomyelitis and myositis from small wounds on their distal extremity...not that I think the nurses are doing a crappy job...it's just a risk of being stuck with a needle. So I'm hoping that if we get negative blood cultures and we don't have an abcess to drain....that I can get him home on PO anitbiotics after a week or so of IV antibiotics. So he doesn't have to keep getting stuck. I think I may be getting ahead of myself, but I have to keep looking to the future.
I hate sitting there rocking him...I mean I love sitting and rocking him...just not there. It's so soothing to me and him...and I want to fall asleep with him...I did today....and was woken up and told I can't do that....if I feel sleepy I need to "take a break."

GRRRR!! I just want him home!