The hottest question on everyone's lips....

I'm not suicidal and I'm not homicidal...other than that? Who the hell knows?

We've got some docs telling us he should be home with us...and some that are more reluctant to let him leave. It's very frustrating....the "good" is that one of the pro-home docs is the chairman of the boss of the NICU....the "bad" is that one of the pro-stay docs is the the guy with the most premie experience. I think though that the "lean" right now is towards sending him home...I just hate to get my hopes up, ya know? But really I don't have anything else to look forward too...he's taking the bottle really well...hasn't had any A's or B's since recovering from anesthesia...he's 6.5 pounds and keeping his temp well....his leg seems better (still swollen and a little painful at the hip, but much improved!). We're slowly working on nursing at the breast. He latches well if he's awake, and the other day he nursed for 25 minutes before falling asleep...but I'm not sure he's getting enough....once we're home I'm going to try to move more to the breast and then monitor weight gain....but now in the NICU I don't want anything to keep him from coming home....I think he'd prefer nursing more often than their every 3 hours schedule...but I've been such a pain about everything else there that I don't want to make even more waves...and I don't want to be at the NICU every two hours to nurse him/feed him....I just can't do that right now. I know he's getting milk when he nurses....he always has a mouthfull when he comes off the nipple...I guess it's just a natural fear/worry of moms... Am I enough?

Russ and I are finishing getting everything ready around the house incase they tell us this week is the week. My mom is coming to visit next week so it'd be great if Daegan could come home then...I'm keeping the "discussions" secret from my mom just incase...cause it'd be an awesome surprise...but it would really bum her out if it didn't turn out. I've packed a bag just in case...that way I don't have to later...and I'm going to install the carseat base...I washed the carseat covers already.

Yesterday we watched the Gators stomp LSU at a friends house....their 3yo daughter was playing with my hair and I pushed her on the swing and she said "you look like a mommy." And I just wanted to cry...because I am a mommy, but, then, I have no *proof.* I mean, sure, I have proof...I have a body striped from breasts to ankles (why doesn't anyone tell you that strechmarks can show up much later??? I thought I was blessed by the stretchmark gods....I guess "blessed" means kissed all over by their angels )...but I don't have the baby...the little being who makes all those stretchmarks disappear just by gazing into your eyes and smiling...who makes daddy forgive mommy's crazy hormonal fluctuations just by grasping with a little hand tightly to daddy's pinkie...I'm feeling worn out from the emotional ride...I have the hardest time at night...when I want nothing more that to give Daegan a hug, snuggle him in bed, kiss his forehead and roll over for Russ to hug/snuggle me and kiss me on the forehead...and drift off into sleep knowing my family is together and safe.

"just keep swimming, just keep swimming"