Time for an update, although not much is new....the chaos is ever-present.

Basketball has started for Luke and Joel, and they practice twice a week from 5:30 to 7:30. So much for having dinner as a family.....but hey, even if its drive-through crap, at least we are eating it together, right? DH is working an in-house shift tonight, which is a bummer, but he has tomorrow off. (Wish I did!)

My Fall Break was last Thursday and Friday, and while I enjoyed myself immensely, it didn't feel like a break since my kids still had to be taken to school and picked up. I wasn't exactly footloose and fancy free! We did go out Friday night with some friends to The Melting Pot and had a great time. I was feeling kind of low on Sunday (mostly to do with my aunt, who is not doing well) so DH took me to a movie Monday night after he got home.....the kids had their homework done, so we put the oldest in charge and just went! It feels weird to be able to do that. We went to Chipotle for a quick dinner and then saw "Michael Clayton", which was really, really good. George Clooney on the big screen would be enough for me even if he were just standing there, but I think he is a pretty good actor, too.

One of my 7th grade students (girl) was killed in a car wreck Monday night. She went on a quick ride with her neighbor and his girlfriend (high school students) because the guy had just gotten a new stereo put in his car. He was speeding, went over a little hill, lost control, and hit a tree. He and his girlfriend were in the front seat, wore their seatbelts, and were treated and released that same night. Tabitha was in the back and didn't wear her seatbelt. She had massive head injuries. The kids have been all over the place this week as a result. So sad. The visitation is tomorrow afternoon and I am dreading it.

I have a collection of pictures that I have been meaning to post, so in no particular order, here they are.

Nathan on his birthday in September:

another one of Nathan:

Luke trying to be cool:

I need to get one of Joel up here, too!

Not much else is new. I really miss you guys and wish I had time to post more often!
