Well, it looks like we are going to have a real blizzard here! I am pretty excited about it, mostly because it will force us to stay home and get the tree decorated. DH went out this morning for groceries, and I added cookie-making stuff to his list.....that is on the agenda for tomorrow.

We have plans with friends both tonight and tomorrow, but I think we are just going to play it by ear because of the weather. Most of the Christmas shopping is done, which is a huge relief. Thank God for online shopping! DH's parents will be here Thursday, and we are all going to see "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat" at a local theatre next weekend. I am pretty excited about that.....it is a GREAT musical for kids, and my kids already know the soundtrack pretty well. It will be fun to watch them when we go.

We told the kids about Disney World last night. My oldest got tears in his eyes, along with a huge grin on his face. They really are at great ages for this trip.

I am fighting my third upper respiratory "thing" in the past month. This one distinguishes itself by a constant tickle in my throat.....very annoying. It almost feels like it is going to turn into laryngitis, which would make it kind of hard for me to do my job! Oh well, the concert is over, so the pressure is off. Just five more days until a much needed two-week break.
