Well, we are all officially back to school as of today (except DH). The boys *finally* started back today, but got out at 1:30....wth? A friend brought them home for me, and then I got home in time to take the older two back for soccer practice at 3:30. All three of the boys were quite underwhelmed about going back to school, but everyone seemed to have an okay day. I walked Nathan to his 1st grade classroom. We had to find his hook, which the teacher had labeled, in order to put his backpack away. The way it is set up, there are a couple of hooks for backpack/jacket and then above that is a shelf. When Nathan went to hang up his backpack, he hit his forehead on the shelf (I think because he is much taller than the typical 1st grader) and I could tell it really hurt. His lip started wiggling and I could tell he was frantically trying not to cry. I comforted him as best I could, and then left to head to school myself. I just about had a total breakdown on my way to the car.....my baby is in 1st grade!

We went to get the older boys cleats and shin guards for soccer and Luke is now wearing SIZE 12 SHOES! Holy crap. His voice isn't even changing.....he is nowhere near done growing. And Nathan is bigger than Luke ever was.

Funny story: We went out to our new neighborhood last week to take a walk. There aren't very many houses out there yet and it is a very pleasant place to walk. As we walked, we encountered a cat. He was definitely an outdoor cat and may not have belonged to anyone, but he was very friendly. He was that skinny, sinewy kind of tomcat, just packed with muscle. The boys were having a lot of fun with him, and then noticed that he was un-neutered. All of our cats are fixed and have been from the get-go, so the "look" of an unaltered male (from behind) was very amusing to the boys, especially to Nathan, who kept giggling about it. Luke took it upon himself to explain *all* about testicles, etc. and the boys kept meandering along behind the cat. Meanwhile, DH and I were involved in our own conversation and were walking a little faster. We were quite a way ahead of the boys, when all of the sudden we both heard Joel say "I think Dad is neutered." It was kind of humid out, so his voice carried really far even though he wasn't talking very loudly. DH didn't say a word, just turned on his heel and very quickly walked back to where they were and talked to them very intensely. I think he cleared things up. So funny. He just didn't want them thinking he was a eunuch!

I have a back to school pic of the boys from this morning, but I am too lazy to post it now.....
