I have been shamefully lax in my updating.....I have two weeks' worth of house pictures on my phone, but haven't had time to upload them, etc. I haven't taken any pictures this week yet, but both the basement and the main level are framed. I have LOVED going in and seeing the dimensions of the rooms and closets, and it is also nice to look out the window openings and see what our view will be.

My only excuse for not being more active here is that work and parenthood are kicking my ass. I can't imagine what working full-time will be.....I know they are going to ask me to work full time next year, and I will probably say yes, because I feel like I should try it for a year and see how it goes, once we are living in that community and all in the same school system. The first trimester is always tough, but for some reason it has seemed busier this year. :huh: I have my fall concert Tuesday night and parent-teacher conferences Wednesday. My Fall Break is Thursday afternoon/all day Friday, and I am heading out to meet one of my best friends from TX in St. Louis for a girls' weekend. She turned 40 in August, and I will be turning 40 soon, so we figured we were due. I can't wait!

DH and his partner got through their office move with their sanity intact, just barely. They are enjoying having their own space, and the fact that both of their offices have windows now. Work continues to go well for DH and he is finding his stride as chief of the dept., although I don't think he will be sorry to let go of the responsibility when his term ends in another 15 months or so!

The boys are all doing well and are growing like weeds. We are planning on getting them all new jeans this weekend, since it looks like cooler weather is finally here to stay. We had parent-teacher conferences at their school this week, and they are all doing well. I am ready to move them to public school, though. Nothing specific bothers me about the school they are in, but Luke ages out of this school at the end of this year, and keeping his younger brothers where they are would mean two different vacation schedules, etc. I am not impressed enough with the private school to make that happen.

DH and I are heading out to walk through our house (again! ) and then to dinner. It will be nice to have an evening with him.....I feel like I have hardly seen him the past two weeks.

I promise to post more pictures soon!
