Ok, so these blogs seem like a great way to get it all out, I'll give it a try. I suppose I should start by saying how I ended up here.

I'm Irish, lived in the same small village, on a farm all my life (except for college). I met DH when I was in college, studying computers. He was in his final year in med school. My good friend and I were sitting in our favourite haunt, a pub in the city, where we could be found every Wed or Thurs night. We were sitting at this table, complaining about men, I was telling her that I was sick of being single.

There were two guys sitting right across the table from us, we could see them glancing over. My first thoughts were, a) they're not Irish and b) they seem a lot older than us. This other guy came over and asked me to dance. He seemed kind of creepy but was very persistant. After a few minutes, one of the guys across the way told him to go away, that I obviously wasn't interested. Well, my admirer took one look at him (6ft, big guy) and ran off. So, blushing I thanked my knight in shining armour and he introduced himself. Then he said, "Without seeming forward, can I just say that you're gorgeous", in a lovely American accent. I blushed even more and said thanks.

We got talking and he told me he was a med student, was going to be a surgeon. I said, that's nice, not seeming very impressed. He asked me to dinner, to which I said "What? Irish people don't go to dinner on a first date" (not college students anyway). He said, "I'm not Irish". After talking all night, and his friend making moves on my poor friend, who had no interest, we went to get a taxi home. It was raining outside and he gave me his jacket, gave my friend his cap (which I thought was so sweet) and we all got in the same taxi. We dropped my friends off first and he was sitting in the front. He jumped out at a stop light and jumped in the back with me, and we had our first kiss! I thought he was a bit mad, he was amusing.

Two days later we met for a drink, where he proceeded to ask me what my relatives died from (nice). I guess he was trying to find out if I came from good stock. The day after, we went to dinner. We never stopped talking, got on so well and he was such a gentleman. From then on I was hooked.