A lot has happened since I last posted.
DH went through two months of ICU which was hell. It's terrible to have such rotations in his final year. We survived but it's left me very fearful because he wants to do a Critical Care fellowship at some point. His plan is to do part CC, part general anesthesia but who knows? The problem I've seen with a lot of physicians and which I've discussed with DH several times is that they're constantly striving for something better, to be better in their jobs, to increase their skills and in all of this they forget to live life. They just don't know when to stop. We were at the graduation dinner last week for all of the residens in the hospital. Most of them were going on to do fellowships, some second fellowships and residencies. It just saddened me. Maybe this is happiness for them. Being a very family oriented person, a job is just a job to me so it's difficult to understand. But I think DH is slowly coming to this conclusion too.

My work has been crazy the last couple of months. It's the busiest time of year for us and with the layoffs we've had, I'm doing the work of two people. Salaried jobs are not good. there's no way I get paid enough for the 50 hour weeks I'm putting in right now.

A couple of weeks ago DH had his first job interview. They flew us up there, went out of their way to make us feel welcome, show us around and it was wonderful. Two days ago, he was offered the job. We're ecstatic. It's the dream job, excellent pay and in a wonderful community very different to where we're living now. I can't wait to move in a few months. I'm so proud of DH. He has really put me first in taking this job and it's touching. Us medical spouse's often feel left behind so when our SO's do somehting that shows we're number one, it's wonderful.

Right now we're at the "this is too good to be true" stage. We have so much planning to do but I'm looking forward to it.