It's been so long since I've been on the site. Not sure why, just been busy enjoying life really.
Things are going good. Our new location is great. We're still renting a house here, kind of tied ourselves into a year long lease but it's all good, gives us plenty of time to look for exactly what we want.
DH's job is great, he's settling into attendinghood nicely. He just took his written boards so August is just for us after many months of study.
I'm unemployed at the moment, was let go as the company was downsizing 3 months ago. It's the first time I've actually been happy about not working. I guess not having to worry about finances and having DH around more has a lot to do with it. I'm trying to get back into art and crafts, I've missed it in the last few years.
I'm busy planning our church wedding in Ireland next year. Only 7 months to go! I have a lot done, found my dress. Next week my Mom and sister are coming to visit and we'll pick out bridesmaid dresses. Can't wait!!

Next month we're going to Australia for two weeks, really looking forward to it. Then in October is DH's conference in San Diego, will be my first time on the west coast.

In other news, my Dad recently had another angioplasty and stent placed. Looks like he'll have a third one soon, if not a bypass. The thought of a bypass is scary. It saddens me that he's going through this at 52, and putting on hold his dream of setting up his own business. But, I thanLastk God that it's treatable.

We have two new 4 legged friends, two cats we adopted, Callie and Jazzy. They're full of energy, hilarious to watch and great company. We still miss our old kitty, who we had to put to sleep after she became very ill with renal failure. It was a huge shock to us, I've never seen DH so upset. She was the first pet we had together and got me through many lonely nights during residency. But, I'm glad we could give two shelter cats a home.

Not much else going on. Managed to sprain my ring finger in my sleep two nights ago so typing is kind of awkward, it's splinted at the moment. You never realize how useful they are until times like this lol.