Preschool was a tentative... success. He cried in the car on the way there, but I think doing so helped him to work it out. I'm so proud of him! When I picked him up, he knew he'd done something big, because he did the shy, turn-the-head, smile-smirk that he pulls out when he's really pleased with himself. I'll have to get a picture of it someday- it's really quite a unique expression.

I just talked to Mac, and he's post call having worked (in direct patient care) for 34 hours. This is so stupid. I don't understand why anyone wants to go into medicine, but HooAh I guess??? I'm really glad I didn't tell Luke that Daddy would be home for lunch. I made that mistake one time. It was very sad for all concerned...

Steven and Isabel are doing well in school, except that I found out yesterday that Isabel had been sitting with the class at lunch, and so Steven had been sitting alone at the "peanut table". That's where the kids who have food allergies sit. I guess he's the only one in 1st grade. Last year, Izzy just automatically sat by him for lunch. This year, she wanted to sit with the class. It's good for twins to separate, but to me, I don't want him sitting there by himself at lunch. So I sent in a note telling the teacher to have Izzy sit with her brother. It's just too sad for me! Poor guy. Peanut allergies suck. Not to mention that I've had to train him to be able to self-administer the Epipen. He is so scared at the thought of it that tears well up in his eyes.

Kate continues with school. She doesn't like math because she doesn't "understand it". I don't know if there are many people who "understand" it really. I think that we just learn the steps to take to solve for "x". That's what I did- I didn't worry about the complexities or the theory, I just did the work, got my A, and moved on. That's how I made it through Physics too! DH used to try to explain things to me, but really I didn't care. I told him that I never would truly understand it, and that I was OK with that. "Just show me how to do the problem, I'll memorize that, and reproduce it on a test." Any "original" thought questions, I would miss. But never enough to affect the precious GPA. So, anyway, I finally convinced Kate to just follow the steps and not to try so hard to understand what was going on. She eventually did this, and has told me that now math is "easier". Go girl!