Preschool day 3 was... OK. Luke cried on the way over, but then went into class like a trooper and I thought he was even... excited??? He smiled at the teachers, which was a good sign I think. And then I went home and hung up 3 pictures (I know I know, it doesn't sound like much but... I've been waiting to hang them for about 3 months, even though they are only tiny 5x7s ) and I also fixed a broken basket which required the use of a glue gun (this is about as "handy" as I get). Then it was time to go back and get Luke. He was OK when I picked him up, but ever since then it's been whine and whine and it's just been awful. Blah. He and I get along really well, and he is super affectionate and just a total love. But when I take him somewhere and drop him off I feel like he feels betrayed, and then he "punishes" me...

So, I need to remind myself to not let him... watch TV after rest time (which makes it impossible to get him into the car to go pick up everyone from school), bring his 'baby' into the Suburban (which makes it impossible to get him OUT of the suburban wherever we are), and go to 'rest time' without going potty first (because he always gets up right away to go potty where he sits there for like 20 minutes, and then refuses to go back to rest time anyhow...) Then maybe next time will go more smoothly.

I made soup today, which is stupid b/c it's so hot. But I soaked the beans for the soup yesterday, so I felt sort of "tricked into it". And then I made chicken enchiladas which took forever, so I "cooked" for like 1 hour straight! I never do that. Never never ever. I am just not a "cooker" as Izzy likes to say. And then of course nobody likes what I make except for DH and it's a crapshoot if he'll be home or not. Now I'm going to freeze the soup and wait for when it's actually cold outside! Like in the morning! Oy! (Fall is tricky!)

I read these posts in my blog and I just feel like my life is so pathetic. Or maybe it's just life...