I told Mac about my dream, and he said that I should look into an extra insurance plan for him. I asked him what I was covered for, I thought it was something like 250K, but he thought more like 15K. Good luck finding someone to do my job for 15K for 2 months! I wouldn't take that gig... Anyway, maybe we'll have to look into it for the both of us.

Then he said that I must have had a "premonition" or something and started to get all supersticious, to which I said, so then I guess there's something to the uber-realistic dreams I have where you are cheating on me? That shut him up. It's just a dream, probably a result of watching some TV drama. That is seriously why I stopped watching Law and Order. I started seeing random strangers as twisted and evil. I think I get a little too invested...

I have decided to limit myself to 1 hour of TV plus a little of my local news a night. I can't go without my local news! Their witty banter... and useless weather forcasts.

Dragging the kids out of bed in the morning is getting hard. Today was chilly, and it is still dark when we get up (not pitch black, but it's getting darker). A couple of weeks ago we had sunrises to look at and pink skies... Now it's the dusky pre-dawn...

I took Kate out to a youth group last night. It is at someone's house, because the church we just started attending is moving to a new building, and isn't set up for youth group at the new building yet. I think she had a good time. Everyone liked her shoes, so that's a plus. They are Converse High-tops with a skulls and crossbone pattern, reminiscent of this past summer's obsession with all things Pirates. Now she is considering Goth for the next obsession. She has a friend who is "goth", but apparently doesn't wear black lipstick or heavy eyeliner, but she does wear all black. And this friend tells Kate that she's so lucky to be so pale, she could really pull off the goth look. Hmmmmmm. No. I don't think so darling. No Goth for you.

She is, of course, allowed to get a tattoo just like all of my other kids. There is a stipulation. She has to be at least 17, and the tattoo has to be on her upper arm, very large, and say: I love my mom. That's it! If the tattoo isn't exactly like the one I design... well then I guess said child is ready for complete emancipation.

(BTW, I have nothing per se against tattoos- I think they can be cute actually, but I don't trust my kid's and their friends to know to go to an official, licensed and clean place. So I am going to do what I can to dissuade bodily mutilation!)