Warning: Intense negativity ahead...

I'm not usually a "happy go lucky" person, but I'm usually pretty content. However, Mac is now on his ENT rotation, and as usual, it sucks. So much for "family friendly". Theoretically there's no call, but then they add all these extra call days for the interns because the 3rd years are taking an exam, or so and so's on leave, etc., etc. The hours suck, since he doesn't leave work until 7 and doesn't get home until 8. So he misses all the **** of the bedtime, pretty much, except for kisses at bedtime with the twins. Kate, still, escapes to her den the minute he walks through the door. She's going through an intense anti-dad thing. (And I'm like, I know *exactly* what you mean, Kate. I would run too... J/K! I don't diss him in front of the kids, unless you count muttering under your breath, which you probably do...)

Anyway, so my biggest complaint is that he keeps taking on my symptoms.

He is the one who really wanted another pregnancy. I desperately wanted him to get snipped, and I was even going to go in to try an IUD again, even tho' it didn't work in the past. I am just not ready to single parent #5 with all the extra curriculars going on for #1, #2, and #3. I am the only driver here. I am the only one at dinner, lunch, breakfast, snack... You know what I'm saying here.

So, even though he wasn't trying to get me pregnant, he wasn't trying hard enough to not get me pregnant, and I just get sick of being the "you can't touch me" shrew, hence my guidelines of "you can touch me as long as it's not day 11-16". So now the deed is done. But why does he have to take on my symptoms! Why, when he's home at night, does he lounge around, saying he feels nauseated? No, No, dear. That's my line. You are supposed to wait on me. Not the other way around.

Now, all of a sudden, dishes after dinner are just a little bit "too much" for him. He'll get to it, but he has to wait until his "nausea" passes.

And his regular chore of schlepping the laundry hampers from downstairs to upstairs, and vice versa? I guess he's too *tired* to do that, or something.

And he promised me various things... All of which he just hasn't been able to do. He promised to clean the bathrooms for me. My parents are coming today, so the kids and I had to clean them. Even though it made me gag. Not to mention I miscarried last time after cleaning the bathrooms, also for an impending visit from my parents.

So yes, this is an anti-husband rant in a decidedly different direction from the "Why I love my husband" thread, but there it is. I just want to shake him and get him to realize that HE needs to be a man now. Not a PREGNANT man but a real man and take care of bizzness.

(I feel slightly better now, but I still feel like crying uncontrollably...)