I'm so tired! And I get progressively nauseated as the day goes on! I am so unproductive these days... I don't remember any of these symptoms, but I know I had them. It's all part of the pregnancy amnesia that hits after delivery. Mac even said, you're 8 weeks? That means 2 more weeks and you're a quarter of the way there, right? :banghead: Oh my, that was helpful.

He has been *great*. He no longer has symptoms, I think he may've peaked at my blog? Or maybe he just heard my grouching? And he does not complain even though the food I am making for dinner is... really bad. I don't feel hungry to eat anything except for bread, because that is bland and it settles my stomach. And it's really bad for me, too. Since bread has always been my downfall... But dinner has been a casual affair to say the least. The kids are getting fed, anyway. If all we have for dinner is cereal, Mac is OK with that! After everyone is in bed, he just does the dishes and cleans up while I drag myself off to bed at like 9. Oh well. I may as well sleep now, while I can.

Kate has been doing very well in school recently. She seems to be keeping on top of her math (of course, the quarter is only 4 days old, now...). She did poorly on exams right at the end of the semester, which dropped her grades in 2 classes. So now we have to go back to the checking her work every night scenario, which is annoying... When she gets a certain number of A's or B's in a row, then we can go back to just checking her online account for her grades, and not so much her homework. The main concern I have with Kate right now is that she avoids Mac so much. We're working on it. I know that he irritates her, and that she says he treats her like she's still 5, etc., etc. She tells me everything (more than I want to know, really), but has nothing at all to say to him. :huh: I think it is pretty normal, but it's still sad to see.

And the littler kids are doing well. They have been healthy this year! So far... And that is a huge blessing.

So, not too much to report on the blog-- I have lots of photos and stuff to post, though. One of these days... I need a power nap right now before Luke gets up from "rest time" and the after school mad rush begins...