How much is too much?

Or am I even allowed to ask that, as a mom of 4 soon to be 5?

Yesterday was... a total drain. DH took call, which is extra smart since he was starting a brand new rotation and had no familiarity with any of the patients. I felt very sorry for him having to be there at 3:30 to get ready for pre-rounds, then rounds, knowing that he would get no sleep for a long time. Of course, I know better than to tell him I feel sorry for him, lest he take advantage of my "better" moments...

So I was on my own yesterday for the first full day of springtime madness. There was no school, since our school district loves 3-day weekends which lengthen the school year by a whole week, at least. It drives me nuts. Anyway, this was my day:

11 am: get kids to eat lunch, even though they weren't hungry.
11:30 am: try to get kids to get ready to go to our various playdates
11:55 am: out the door
11:57 am: back in the door- we forgot Steven's epipen
12:05 pm: drop Steven off at his friend's house for his first ever "alone" playdate-- no sister. He was a little nervous, and even asked if Izzy could come along. Turns out he had a fabulous time playing nothing but "boy games".
12:15 pm: drop Luke and Isabel off at my friend's house
12:45 pm: arrive at the medical clinic to pick up my medical records to take to my ultrasound study appointment with the high risk people; short on time so I had to illegally park and run to get my records, then back to my car in 5 minutes flat. (Applause for the pregnant woman inserted.)
12:55 pm: arrive at the appointment
1:30 to 3 pm: appointment- world's longest ultrasound... ever.
3:15 pm: drive back to pick up the kids
3:45 pm: pick up Luke and Isabel. Isabel lost her shoes, and socks of course, in my friend's house.
3:55 pm: pick up Steven. He had a great time. Success!
4:40 pm: out the door to take Kate to her soccer practice.
5 to 6:30 pm: Kate plays soccer, the kids and I traipse through mud puddles trying out the wet, dirty playsets. There were four of them. Finally we resort to chasing birds in an empty field. Everyone gets very muddy.
7 pm: Eat dinner at McDonalds, quickly!
7:30 pm: Drop Kate off at her drama class
7:45 pm to 8:15 pm: Kids get baths- they were too dirty to skip.
8:15: Leave to go pick up Kate from drama- kids wearing PJs.
8:45 pm: Back home finally
9 pm: Kids to bed. HooRah.
Then dishes, dishes, dishes, etc.

Today the after school activities only involved taking Kate to a swim practice, and since Mac was sleeping upstairs I left the kids with the TV (babysitter) and just took Kate by myself. I watched her skip out on doing 50 m of the workout, just by sort of slipping into the line of kids that had already swam. I was so proud. I didn't have the energy to get out there and make her do her laps though-- yesterday I did make her run her extra lap for soccer practice. She tried to skip out on one then, too.

And now, Steven is at Tiger Scouts, and tomorrow Kate has youth group, and Thursday she has swimming and the kids have soccer. Then Friday, Kate gets tutored while I watch my friend's hyper kids...

Spring has sprung... and bitten me right in the ***.