We went head-on into the whole "let's buy a house now" scenario yesterday. Can we afford it? Not exactly. And we'd have to sell our current house first, but it's so exciting to dream big... The house we want has a very large basement, compared to our *tiny* space, and it has a formal living room and a family room- so that means I could institute a "no toys in the living room" policy. This would be great for me, especially since the kids broke out the bouncing balls that you sort of scoot along, and they've been going through our kitchen, hall, and living room constantly. That pretty much does it for our main floor. The house we want also has a very nice garage, which may not fit the very large Suburban, but it would store some bikes for the kids and my jogging stroller. Right now I have to keep the jogger in the back of the very large Suburban, and we just haven't bought any bikes because we have no where to keep them. We have a shed, but it's filled up with spare tires ( :huh: they are for the very large Suburban, they came with it) and our lawn mower. Maybe the lawn mower can stay outside- covered in a tarp??? I don't know. I'd like to get the kids bikes, though. So today, like a giant sugar crash, I crunched the numbers yet again, and... just keeping it real here, there's no way baby. It sucks because all the other residents seem to be in real actual single family homes with garages! And we're still in the medical school digs. With baby on the way!!! Yikes.

Anyway... In other news, I have been *religiously* following my gestational diabetic diet for about 1 week now. I really follow it very well, and I haven't eaten any simple sugars (nothing! I'm not even exaggerating!) for over 2 weeks. My sugars are usually good, except for my fasting level which is consitently too high. Oh, and the meter has a standard deviation of about... 40. I have worked with lots of testing equipment in my lab days, and a standard deviation of this magnitude is so unacceptable. I end up redoing my finger sticks and taking some type of an average... It's just amazing that they make actual medical decisions (such as putting someone on insulin) as a result of these finger prick results-- and when it comes to the results, the docs make medical desicions based on a deviation from the "acceptable" result of 1 pt! If the SD is 40 pts, how can they make a medical decision based on 1 pt? Anyway, tangent aside, my fasting levels are too high, which is a bit mind-boggling, except for when you go to Google and do a search about it and find that this is an indication of a "prediabetic" person.

Seriously, shoot me now. If this means more Dr appts... I think I'm going to scream. I have to go in for Non-Stress tests for the Anti-E situation starting next week, every week. I have my ultrasounds every 2 weeks, and I have special Dr appts for the gestational diabetes bit... And all these problems are because MY body is rejecting this pregnancy. MY antibodies are fighting against the baby's antigens. MY endocrine system doesn't want to produce insulin anymore b/c it's already producing all the other hormones that go along with pregnancy... *sigh* It's all out of my control, and it's a bit frustrating!

ETA: As a bonus, our AC system started leaking in our basement yesterday... The repair people can't come until Wednesday to take a look. And... the system is 3 years old.

I'm having an intense "I hate my house" moment here.