I had 2 very vivid pregnancy dreams last night. I call them "pregnancy dreams" because I only have them when I'm pregnant. Usually I can't remember a dream at all... And these dreams bother me, wake me up completely, make me angry, etc., etc...

I can't remember one of them, inexplicably, but it'll come. The one I do remember went like this:

The kids and I were driving somewhere in our rather large Suburban. I was still pregnant, Kate was not with us, so I'm guessing it was a present-time dream. All of a sudden, we fell into a very deep sinkhole. The entire Suburban dropped about 15 feet! I got Steven to unbuckle himself from the back and help Izzy unbuckle (she was spazzing out), and I reached back and got Luke out, and we were climbing out of the Suburban through the side windows. At the moment that I got Izzy out the window (she went first), I saw something else falling down on us. I grabbed her and pulled her in *just* in the nick of time. A light blue Prius had fallen into the sinkhole on top of us...

So, go analyze that and tell me what it means?? Nothing, I'm sure, just like all my pregnancy dreams. :huh: