So now I have something new to stress out about... I got a call that Kate's teachers want a conference for her next week (middle schoolers don't have conferences unless requested). So I have Steven's conference, then I have to go across town to Kate's school for what is most assuredly going to be bad news... Then the next day I have Izzy's conference, and from what I gather from the twins, Izzy just got moved down a math class. (Or up a math class depending on whom you ask.) These school policies drive me nuts. And the bottom line of everything is always that parents need to be doing more.

I've just about had it with the whole process actually. My parents did *nothing* at all for all 4 of us to ensure that we got our homework done, etc., etc. Particularly now that the middle school has this online tracker, they assume that parents are checking it every 10 minutes. I check that maybe 2 times a week, just to check up, but not to write down every assignment, etc., etc. That would be my daughter's job, and it would be her teacher's job to make sure that the kids know there is an assignment. And as far as the twins and elementary school, my biggest gripe is that they move them to different classes and levels for math without telling the parents first. I literally have no idea where my child is or who her teacher is for math until mid-November. This needs to be changed. So for the first time, I come to conferences with my own *opinions* on how the school can improve their communication and expectations.

I swear I will blow my top if they tell me we need to do more for Kate. Ohhhhh really? More that 2 hours a night? That child is so very difficult to deal with. Also, she doesn't want to be "smart" so she has garnered an "airhead" image. Wonderful. Probably the teachers will bring up the fact that she scores in the 99th percentile in her English standardized thingamajig, but she talks like, like, a total like, idiot.

:huh: :huh:

I'm so sick of school... Waaaaaaaaaah.