Kate ended up having a good birthday. We had a cake for her on our family vacation, then we had a little family party with presents here at home, for which I made a cake, and then she had her big sleepover, for which she made a cake... The sleepover happened last weekend, and there were 5 kids who stayed the night, and 2 who left early. And those girls were LOUD and they ATE SOOOOO MUCH! And of course they made a mess, and there is a trail of very light pink spots on the carpet on the stairs from the kitchen to the basement... Only a few spots, but I want to know what it is before I try to take it out...

The girls ate 3 large pizzas, a tray of mozzarella sticks, our leftover Halloween candy, the cake that Kate made, a Costco sized bag of Doritos... And they drank lots of soda... Lots and lots.

There were 2 sources of entertainment for the evening. First, they played the Wii. We got Kate Guitar Hero World Tour for Christmas-- the one with the drums and the microphone. So we listened to Beastie Boys' "DON'T... SLEEP... Til BROOKLYNNNN." Over and Over and Over. The partay was in the basement, but we removed the door to the basement and the sound travels quite well up to the living room...

The other form of entertainment was the act of dying Kate's hair. She has wanted her hair to be blue for the longest time, but it WAS a lovely chestnut brown and it was too dark for the blue dye to show up. It was also nice, thick, healthy... Gorgeous hair. So, in order for her to get blue hair, it first needed to be blond-ish... So her friend brought some bleach dye, and they went at it. Kate had permission to dye the tips of her hair, and then color them blue. This was a compromise... Anyway, her friend dyed her hair... But the bleach sort of went everywhere, and her bangs are sort of red, and some of her hair is more white-ish, and there is a *line* in the hair on the back of her head where it's normal and then it's bleached out... And then she tried to dye it with the blue stuff she has (it's a wash out at least) but it just turned green. She was OK with that, she said, but... It basically washed out right away... So... Anyway, I'll try to take a picture of her hair (my digi camera card corrupted, so it might be a while), but... let's just say it was strange enough looking that I decided to cancel our family picture appointment until Kate's hair has a chance to recover a little. Or grow out enough to be pulled back... :huh:

The girls were pretty funny about it. Kate kept talking about how Mac was going to "kill her" and he was going to "flip out", etc., etc. She worked herself up into a near panic. After about an hour of constant drama (Mac could hear the whole conversation, thanks to the lack of a door), Kate came upstairs to show him the new hairdo, and he said, "It's dyed more than we agreed to, but I guess it's not as bad as it could be..." No flipping out, no killing going on... Sorry to disappoint...

I'm still tired from the big party though. And it doesn't help that Josie sometimes sleeps through the night, and sometimes, like last night, wakes up 2 times... :huh: Usually I have them sleeping through the night by now, but since she's still in our room, it's just not happening consistently. Hopefully in February she'll move over to Isabel's room. That's the plan, but it all depends on DH's stupid job...

I hate residency already...