Every new quarter means... Kate decides to take a break from her rigorous studies and just do nothing... And the online records that parents are supposed to check don't get updated quickly-- the teachers take a break too-- and so by the time I see the reports, she's already dug herself a huge hole...

The sad part is that she has been much better behaved at home- helping more, showing some empathy towards her siblings, being a bit less sulky... I would really like for her to get it all together at the same time...

So... She's already grounded from the internet, from a previous offense... That is my main tool in the grounding category. Now, I have taken away her texting and phone privileges, too... I am also taking away social outings... What's left? Seriously... I guess I can take away the door to her room...

It would be splendid if DH were around sometimes to help deal with all this. But, that's not going to happen really...

It just sucks. And this musical thing she's involved in is killing me. Next month they start practicing an extra hour a day, so that means no more *activity bus* and I will have to add an extra hour worth of driving to my day... Sucks. I am tired of just trying to say *yes* to her to let her have some fun, and then she continues to blow off school, knowing that I will punish her.

What frosts me most of all is that she complains to her teachers about her "groundations" as she calls them... And the teachers tell her that I'm unfair.

Ummmmm.... Gee Middle School Teacher, did you think possibly that my little angel is skewing the facts??? Perhaps???

Idiots. I'm ready for her to be out of this freaking school and out of Middle School. In general, it's been a nightmare.