Today I took Luke to the doctor for his well child appoinment. My baby boy is turning 6 in a couple of weeks. He has his first loose tooth. He still makes me cards, and draws me pictures, and he's uber-excited about whatever secret project is sitting in his secret toy box in his room that I've been warned not to look at.

But, he is growing up. This past year has been difficult with him, honestly. The kindergarten project was not exactly a success in my estimation. He is doing fine, but they push these kids so much. I think school is beyond Luke's ability right now. He had an assignment where he had to subtract 12-3, for instance. Then he was to color a part of a picture with the number answer that corresponds with a certain color. 12-3? Really? He was struggling with 5-3, which at least you can count on your own fingers. So I got out my abacus to help him visualize the numbers. He really enjoyed playing with the beads, but the concept is not really sticking. I think I can still ask him what 5-2 is and he will say, "2?". But if I say "Luke has 5 Pokemon cards and he gives 2 to Steven, how many does he have left?" Then he can usually figure it out. Anyway, meandering back to the math. I told the teacher that adding and subtracting were difficult for Luke (he just learned to count a few months ago, which is all he's technically supposed to "know" how to do at the end of Kinder.) I asked her how she is teaching math-- do they count on their fingers? She told me about the number line, and drawing circles then crossing them out, that kind of thing. I told her that I used an abacus at home to help him, and I just didn't want to confuse him by introducing too many new methods for addition and subtraction. She said, "What's an abacus?" Anyway, it is a wierd word. But... She's very young. She also said that addition and subtraction is really something that some kids don't get until 1st or 2nd grade. I was about to say--- why have we had homework sheets on it all year long, then? ---But, It's ok. I am sort of beyond fighting the system. I'm in the "school's almost out and it's beaten me again" phase.

Today Luke had a doctor appointment. In the waiting room, I saw a woman with a 2 week old. She was clearly exhausted. I guessed her baby's age, and she said, "I can't wait till she's that old" as she pointed at Luke. I was thinking pretty much the opposite. Just for a day, though. Just for a day. I did tell her that it passes by quickly, which is trite, but true.

Luke was average in his appointment. Average weight, average height. He was too shy for a proper examination, because he wouldn't answer her questions. He was too ticklish for a proper physical exam. I felt like it was kind of a waste of time, actually. We are supposed to "practice doctor appointments" at home. ??? I don't know. The older kids never had trouble. I don't know why Luke is so shy. He just is. I don't know if he'll grow out of it. He's very loud at home, of course. He seems to be ok with his peers, he just doesn't know what to do when adults talk to him. Oh well.

I have had the worst allergy season ever. It's been beyond miserable. I have sinus pressure, ear pressure... The kids want to play outside, even rather than play the Wii, and I try to stall and stall until Mac is home because I want to limit how long I'll be out there! Pollen! And I'm taking pretty much the full arsenal of allergy meds, too.

Life is about to get fever-pitched around here. My parents are coming to town for a few days, and my brother's coming a few days later (they all planned a way so that I could drive to the airport, about 2 hours round trip, about 8 times in 2 weeks! Awesome!) Kate has daily rehearsals for her "show-choir-esque" musical production in a couple of weeks... Isabel has a camping trip, Steven has a camping trip, and Luke has a birthday. And there is soccer, softball, swimming, baseball...

The other night I almost polished off a bottle of White Zinfandel all on my own. Dh had one glass. That's the first time I've had wine in... a long time. I didn't get drunk, but it did mellow me out a bit!!