

Gastro-intestinal distress sucks.

I woke up about 2am with horrible cramps, and was in and out of the bathroom for 2 hours before the pepto kicked in and I was able to sleep for a bit...and I just plain could not concentrate at work today. I did the bare minimum of work, when I wasn't napping, which puts me behind. And I was doing so well earlier this week. And I'm *still* feeling ooky. Tummy's all crampy and gurgly. I just feel...off. Not fun at all.

The weirdest thing? One of my coworkers (in Anchorage) wrote in this morning; he had exactly the same problem last night, and was going to stay home and rest at least until lunchtime (I don't know if he ever made it in). Really bizarre. I'm starting to wonder if it could have been something I ate, or if it's some kind of virus. I'm just so draggy. No other symptoms, though. :huh:

We've got a bunch of people coming over tomorrow to hand out and play games...and the house is SO not ready. I have a nail appointment in the morning, so I'll be doing that and picking up supplies on the way home; it'll be up to DH to get the house ready. I just hope I'm feeling better. Maybe I should just go to bed now. Bleck.

My mom called today to thank me for the knitted stuff I sent her (that I wanted to finish in time for Christmas, but just didn't manage). She loved the colors, as I knew she would.

She told me that the rooster that appeared on their property about a month ago, that she'd started feeding, disappeared a few days ago; they have no idea what happened to it. She was going to head out to try to find evidence of what happened to him.

I feel like I've been having fewer problems dealing with her memory issues. I just let her repeat herself, and help her come up with words she's groping for, if I can figure out what it is. Just talking to them over the phone every week or so probably makes that easier than if I was dealing with it full time. I've mostly been avoiding thinking about it. I think I've lowered my expectations, though, and that's increased my patience and made things easier all around. I hope I don't just have my head in the sand. I wish there was something I could do to help. *sigh*.