Has it really been a year since I last posted an entry? Wow. Maybe now that the blogs are all integrated and yet separately secure, etc., I'll start posting more...

Reading bits of those past posts has made me realize how far I've come since we moved here. This school year, one of the local medspouses, Janna, has opened her house to whoever wants to drop by and have grilled cheese and tomato soup every Tuesday evening. Pretty much every week I've been in town since she started it, I've gone. And it's been wonderful; it's usually only 3-4 of us, but we have a good time. That and the Saturday knitting group have been my IRL social touchstones. Janna is pregnant with her second child right now, due in early April, and not only am I helping organize a baby shower for her in two days, but I've agreed to be on call to come help out during labor/birth. Her plan is to give birth at home (with a midwife or two in attendance), but she really wants a couple people around to keep the toddler occupied and maybe cook some meals, etc. No expected bedside help needed, thankfully, but it's really nice to feel like a really good friend.

A few of DH's classmates (and some of their SOs and friends) have been having dinner at a pub every Monday night since early in first year. We'd never been all that interested in going, but for some reason, a few weeks ago, we were specifically invited, and that's now become another nice low-key weekly social event that I've found myself looking forward to. Even weirder, some of THOSE people have had a tradition of getting together on Wednesdays to go through DVDs of TV series. They started with Firefly last year, then a few other things, and now they've just started "Psych"...and they invited us to join them in watching that, too! DH feels like he's too busy studying, but I'm seriously considering it. It's strange to feel myself basically becoming a different person. I have *never* been inclined to be this social before. It's kinda fun, though!

So, for the record: After moving across the country to a place where I knew nobody at all...at the almost-two-year mark, even introverted me is starting to feel like I'm actually getting a grip on this place, and enjoying being here. And, I feel like if I can do this here, I can probably do it anywhere.

And DH just got home, and it's time for lunch. Yay!